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Affairs marriages successful?

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The only such marriage I know of for sure involves the ex wife of a very good friend. I always liked her, but even early on sensed something "missing", for lack of a better word. She had long-running problems with alohol, but even when she got sober seemed "adrift".


She left my friend for a co-worker, and they both moved out of state and married. For a while they had her son by my friend, a teen at that point, but he walked in on his mom screwing (yet) another man, and moved in with his dad. He was one messed up kid for awhile. As far as I know, the ex is still married to the same man.


Is their marriage successful? Certainly not in my book, with her still screwing around and messing up her own son for quite a while. Definitions may vary though, I suppose.


My friend, however, remarried and is close to and with his son. He and his wife of two years seem to be doing great.

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A former colleague of my H's came by. He M his fAP some time back, their eldest is in HS now. They appear happily and successfully M as far as anyone can tell, certainly in the days they stayed with is there were no signs of anything amiss. Another colleague who knew them way way back said it was great to see him so relaxed and happy, not having to dodge sniping and put downs all the time as he did with H's xBW. (She is still single, and was fired from her job a few years back for incompetence.) Which is also what people say about my H. Perhaps the success of their Ms (and several others that I can think of) is in part due to the misery they left behind, and that that makes them value their current Ms much more?

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