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I need advice!!

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My boyfriend and I have now been dating for a little over a year now. Everything stated off wonderful. About the sixth month into our relationsip I noticed he had been talking to other girls behind my back. He never did anything with any of the girls, I just was upset because he was sneaky with it. I asked him why he did that, he wasn't sure. He promised me he wouldn't ever do that again. Recently I found out that he had been talking to more girls behind my back. He had talked to them on the phone and on-line. This second set of girls he had talked to live so far from where we do so it isn't like he had intentions of seeing them ever. The thing that bothers me is that he has the need to talk to other girls behind my back. I really dont undertand why he does this to me? He says he loves me and that I should trust him, but trusting him lately is hatd to do. I know that technically he never cheated on me , but he still was being very sneaky. Why would he do this?? My question is does anyone know why he does this??

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because you got mad the first time, so he i s not going to tell you cause you will get mad.


of course we all know the real reason you are really pissed is more that he is sneaking it rather than the simple premise of actually talking to other girls.


why does he feel he needs to talk with these chicks? are the just friends? is so then why hide it?

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he isn't not friends with these girls he meets them in chat rooms. he says he only talks to them because he feels lonely and just having me is not enought at times. I ask why they all have to be girls he says it is because all that guys want to do online is cyber..understandable i suppose, but when will all the sneaking stop??

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I ask why they all have to be girls he says it is because all that guys want to do online is cyber


Unless he's discussing particular subjects (bands on a music site, artic terns on an ornithology site) he talks to an assortment of girls online because he likes to expand his flirtatious/sexual horizons. Privacy is one thing, but you don't sneak around to discuss rock and roll or patterns of migration.

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