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Back & Forth so confused... male perspective please;or female if you understand this


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[font=arial][/font][color=darkblue][/color]Back and Forth again? Is there a male point of view out there... or female because I'm lost...


My ex-boyfriend (he's unmarried and in his 40's)...long story short after almost 3 years we broke up... badly in February... didn't see each other or talk...


ran into him in August... spoke and it seemed to go well...I was hesitant ...he was bouncing off the clouds about how happy he was to talk to me... the next day I get home and there is a voice mail...(he knew I wouldn't be there)...about how he still loved me and it was good to see me... but he was confused and not sure which direction he was going to go... until that message I had hope we maybe could try again


I called him back...(he was screening) and I left a message that I didn't want to go backward ...


Then around the middle of last month; I get a phone message again ... how he still missed me bad?


Hunh? I'm lost... so I returned the call ... and left a message that the last time I heard from him it was 3 months prior and that he was confused and unsure of what direction he wanted to go.. that now I was confused... I did thank him for the call and wish him well....


I'm just not getting it... he's in his 40's what the heck is all this about..?[color=darkblue][/color]

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My guess is that he is an immature commitment phobic who thought that he was able to get some hot, styling younger woman. He has since realized that he can't. He is madly, desperately trying to re-connect with past loves. Some have since married. Others haven't. He found you once. You told him No. He's found you again.... your turn.

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he is in his 40s and tomrorow he may reach the maturiyt level of a 14 year old. Amazing when I read stories like this...I'm 26 and see I'm more mature than guys who are biologically old enough to be my father. :rolleyes:


Anyway, don't waste time on this guy. Hh will just cause you stress you don't need while he "finds himself"...at 40+ years old.

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