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Where did it all go?

The sweetness of old fashioned romance; kissing and dancing, laughing for hours and playing in the rain. Is it that some people are meant to be alone? I always thought that everyone had a soul mate and that I’d fine mines someday; that special someone to share every dream and every secret joke with. But there’s always something. It seems like I’m never enough or the situation is never right. For almost too long I’ve been waiting here, standing at the door of his heart, with my arms outstretched and everything that I am before him. Yet it’s never enough. I’m beautiful and smart and easy-going, he’s the only guy I’ve ever been physical intimate with and yet it seems I’m not enough. We were best friends for so long, I remember the early days before all the uncertainty and nagging emotions got in the way. We were simply friends, we would laugh and talk about everything, it wasn’t romantic, it wasn’t sexual, it was simply sweet. We’ve grown and learnt together and we always seem to get along and have fun.

Now, I’m a highly respected executive to one of the worlds largest alcohol companies, I certainly don’t have a problem getting dates and no one could ever imagine the secret pain of lonely mind.

I want to be held and romanced, I want someone to come home to..

But is it that some people were made to live their lives alone???

I’m trying to let go, I’m trying to move on, but it seems that no matter how hard I try it always comes back to him..

Do soul mates really exist?

Is there such a thing as destiny?

And faith?

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So, we know what you want. What are you prepared to give?


What you give is what you get. Trite, yes, but true. If you give out "I want" you'll get "I want".


Where did all the old fashioned lovelyness go? MY house. Oh, I also have the perfect man.


Why? Because we keep "what I have to give" warming on the burner all the time.


Works like a damn. And it's been great for my kids. They know how to think of other people; they know how to think; they know how to give; they know how to say sorry; they know how to say yes and they know how to say no. The also know how to look for those little opportunities to make a difference.


I have this theory: I think great relationships are based on two whole, but somewhat lumpy people. What makes for great is, rather than looking for someone to make us whole, we look for someone whose lumps are complimentary to ours. People who are looking for someone to complete them aren't going to find that.


but I digress...

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