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soul mates..


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Once upon a time on a hot autumn’s day walking alone to some unknown destination a smile, a touch and a shy hello, brought us two hearts together. It was simple and beautiful; long lazy days playing board games and talking about life, nights that went on forever, talking till the sun came up. But, where did it all go? And how did it end?

The sweetness of old fashioned romance; kissing and dancing, laughing for hours and playing in the rain. Is it that some people are meant to be alone? I always thought that everyone had a soul mate and that I’d fine mines someday; that special someone to share every dream and every secret joke with. But there’s always something. It seems like I’m never enough or the situation is never right. For almost too long I’ve been waiting here, standing at the door of his heart, with my arms outstretched and everything that I am before him. Yet it’s never enough. I’m beautiful and smart and easy-going, he’s the only guy I’ve ever been physical intimate with and yet it seems I’m never enough. We were best friends for so long, I remember the early days before all the uncertainty and nagging emotions got in the way. We were simply friends, we would laugh and talk about everything, it wasn’t romantic, it wasn’t sexual, it was simply sweet. We’ve grown and learnt together and we always seem to get along and genuinely enjoy each other.

Now, I’m a highly respected executive to one of the worlds largest alcohol companies, I certainly don’t have a problem getting dates and no one could ever imagine the secret pain of this lonely mind.

I want to be held and romanced, I want someone to come home to and somehow I always secretly thought it’d be him. I guess I was wrong and life always seems to bring the unexpected.

Maybe I’m not meant to feel this, maybe I’m one of those people that are meant to be alone.

I’m trying to let go, I’m trying to move on, but it seems that no matter how hard I try it always comes back to him.. I can’t make him feel things that just aren’t there and it’s pointless and foolish to seek after someone who isn’t interested in me. But there’s still hope, there’s always a flicker of undying faith, undying passion. Maybe someday all these feeling will fade and all of this will finally make sense.

So somebody tell me please, do soul mates really exist or is it just another illusion created by lonely hearts searching to believe in?

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I do think that soulmates exist....but it just has to happen and hopefully when it does, it lasts....I've even thought perhaps we can have more than one soulmate in our lifetime....

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exotic_angel---what you wrote about sounds like me and my ex! On a different forum we just got into a discussion about soulmates. I do believe 100% that my ex is my soulmate; however, I'm wishing & praying that VivianLee is right & we have more soulmates out there. I will say that I never experienced a strong connection like I did with my ex. It's like when you look into their eyes---you can reach out & touch their soul & their heart.


My bestfriend gives me hope. She never ended up with her soulmate. She's with a guy right now that loves her & respects her---treats her like a queen & she fully loves him. She will say he's not her soulmate & that not everyone in this world will end up with their soulmate. I look at her---& have some hope that I will find someone else that will give me the love I deserve. I do miss the ex though---can't help it---it's that connection we have, you know? :o

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I do believe in soulmates as well. I also think there is somebody for everyone. And more than one soulmate.


Everything happens for a reason...People come in and out of our lives...Some stay some go but we always learn something from them, good or bad. Helps us grow and learn, pain or no pain.

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Hm, hm, I feel the same sometimes, never good enough. But what I think is the problem here is that we are too romantic and have to high expectations and wait for the right one to come. We are falling for guys, because the moment is romantic, not because they are the right ones for us. We like the yearning. It´s totally wrong if you want to be in a stable relationship.

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