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Does weed do this to anyone else

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Yes weed had that affect on me.


When I went years without and tried it again last year or so, I immediately wanted to collapse and I was CONSUMED with awful thoughts....


You see, I had doubts about my cheating ex, and when I smoked weed my paranoia became SO rampant...


I even lost all feeling for a few days! I did not feel love for my ex. I could not really feel. I wanted to cry due to being scared about loss of feeling, yet couldn't.


DONT HAVE IT, the hydroponic stuff these days is lethal!





When I was a pothead when younger I smoked it so often that it didn't really afflict me.


As I started to smoke more and more though over the two years, it consumed me and eventually gave me panic attacks.

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Ruby Slippers

When consumed recreationally - in small doses now and then, akin to having a few drinks - I've had no significant adverse effects. The worst I've experienced is a little lethargy the next morning.


I have leaned on it a bit too much at times, mostly to numb and escape emotional pain. Those times, it definitely acted as a depressant, affecting my motivation and productivity. It has an initial anti-anxiety, mellowing effect, but after the initial high wears off, the paranoid, anxious thoughts set in.


I think occasional use is no more harmful than occasional drinking. But if it becomes a habit or a crutch, you need to evaluate your habit.


Using any chemical to numb anxiety or pain - pharmaceutical or non-pharma - only treats the symptoms, and fails to get to the root of the problem. All it does is delay the process of dealing with the problem, essentially keeping you stuck.

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Professors with Ph.D.s told me weed was a depressant. Psychopharmacology books I've read in my graduate classes told me weed is a depressant. My supervisor with 20 years of experience as a licensed therapist told me weed was a depressant. Some of my clients who have smoked week regularly exhibit those same symptoms I mentioned (lack of motivation, difficulty thinking/concentrating/learning, lack of energy, etc.) The article I posted from a health website confirmed that weed is a depressant. Other articles I've read, peer reviewed scholarly articles, have noted that weed is a depressant. If you don't want to believe me, I guess you'll believe what you want.


Sorry, but books and professors don't tell you everything. If you believe everything you read out of a book or what some guy told you who has a worthless degree he pretty much wasted his life to get, then you're a fool. Humanity has only existed in the past 200,000 years and stable civilization has only existed in the past 7,000 years. So we know jack and ****. I don't smoke weed but I do know that it is not a depressant and neither is it a stimulant. I've seen some of my friends act like energizer bunnies on weed.

Edited by Pompeii
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If smoking weed bears negative consequences for you then by all means don't do it. I have friends who cannot handle smoking it at all and indeed experience the negative side effects mentioned. Personally it was a great help for me and helped me complete my degree in chemical engineering but I'm smart enough to realize that it doesn't work like this for everybody.

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Marijuana has certainly caused anxiety in me and people I know, before though sometimes I enjoy it.


I think your body and brain is sending you a pretty clear signal to stay away from it. While it usually can't cause depression and/or psychosis on its own, it can certainly trigger it with people that are susceptible to it.


For some people its one of the hardest drugs to quit, and takes the longest to completely recover from. Why? Cause you have drugs similar to cannabis in your brain. They're called endocannabinoids. Marijuana can mess with the balance of those, though the phenomenon is poorly understood and pretty new.


Don't get me wrong, I like to smoke occasionally myself. But it's not for everybody, its not nearly as harmless as some people try to make it out to be, and in your case I really think you should stay away.


Unfortunately it seems that some people who regularly smoke cannabis are bound to do one of two things. Or both at the same time.

1: They pick up, or start believing, in conspiracy theories. (Seriously, try talking any habitual pot smoker, and sooner or later he starts spinning some long yarn about how the Illuminati and Rockefellers outlawed pot because blah blah!)




2: Starts to buy into nonsense about marijuana being really good for you, and a natural medicine and so on. Yes, some people can use it medicinally, but you can say the same about heroin or cocaine.


So your decision not to smoke might not go over well, but hey: If they're your friends they should accept your choices and how you react to weed.

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