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"Relationship" moving fast


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Hey guys, I just need some help interpreting the situation I'm in.


I've been dating a guy for about two weeks. We first started talking online and then met in person. So far, we've been on two dates and clicked really, really well. We kissed on the second date. We send each other texts all day. Not immediate replies but I can always count on a good morning text and a goodnight text. We also talk on the phone every night, when our schedules allow for it.


I've been really busy in school but we try to see each other when we're both free. Fridays are his day off and that's usually when we have our dates but yesterday, I was quite busy until the evening (8~9pm) so I suggested that I could come over to his house. Then, he asked if I wanted to sleepover and I said sure.


We watched a couple movies, and it turns out.. he was paying attention to everything I was saying (over text). He bought ALL my favourite foods, even though he didn't really like it. After a bit, I suggested that we watch The Notebook and he said that he wasn't in the mood. So, I asked him when he would be in the mood and he said that he'd watch it when I dumped him. This.. kind of through me off as I didn't know we were in a relationship. We did have the exclusivity talk and were not going to see other people. We ended up doing the deed and fell asleep. We cuddled all night and I fell asleep in his arms.


The next morning, before I left his house, I couldn't help but to bring up "the talk." I asked him what we were and he said, "we're gf/bf of course" and I said, "you haven't asked me out yet." And he said, "I will."


Now, I'm really confused. I really like him but how would you guys interpret this situation? And before you say anything.. I know we did the deed early and I know this is moving REALLY fast.. I guess I just want a second opinion on this.

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You shouldn't have brought up "the talk". Esp after 3 dates. and if you have this confusion/anxiety, you shouldn't have been sleeping with him.


I think "you haven't asked me out" is a weird thing to say to "we are bf/gf"......how old are you guys? how has communication etc been since this?

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Yep unless this guy is a clinger then, start fast finish fast.


He's already throwing in backward comments...sounds insecure and like he just needs to win your affection and approval for his own validation, then he'll just start backing way and closing you off emotionally once you've shown you're invested. He'll probably blame it on a past relationship where his ex cheated or something like that.


Exclusivity talks are a bit laughable considering the circumstances....third date sleepover, yeah...that's going to stick.


Plus you don't even really know the guy, it didn't sound like a spectacular night together either, something sounds a bit off with it.


Ah well, you'll learn...hopefully, if you want to move FAST that's fine...just realize that most of those end up crashing and burning after a few months...if they make it that long.

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You shouldn't have brought up "the talk". Esp after 3 dates. and if you have this confusion/anxiety, you shouldn't have been sleeping with him.


I think "you haven't asked me out" is a weird thing to say to "we are bf/gf"......how old are you guys? how has communication etc been since this?


I'm 20 and he's 22. We've always been quite straightforward with each other but I guess this was our "real" serious conversation, as short as it was.


He called me last night and we talked a lot of things through. I agree with everyone that when a relationship starts fast, it also ends fast. However, I really like him so I want to slow things down.


I asked him what he meant by the gf/bf thing and he explained that he liked me a lot and would like to make me his girlfriend one day, but right now, we were just getting to know each other better. However, we both agreed that we ARE exclusive, as in, we are only dating each other. We also agreed to stop having sex as I told him that I wasn't ready for it.

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