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I'm sorry you hurt so badly

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Relationships can create both the best and the worst emotions inside us. Yes, your gf was wrong. She should not have lied to you (repeatedly). Did she cheat on you? Only your gf knows the answer to that. I tend to side with MegaB on this one though, I think she was just excited by the mutual sexual attraction she felt with her friend's brother. From past experience, I can say that I, too, have enjoyed the attention "new" guys have given me when I was already seriously involved with someone. I have never cheated, but I have done some things that my bf(s) would not have approved of. Just flirting and dancing and stuff, but still things that I would not want him to see me do, and things that I am not proud of. But the only reason I did these selfish things was for the rush; the thrill of the chase. I never wanted to make my bf(s) unhappy, so I would cover my actions so as not to hurt them. Is this right??? NO! But should you end a relationship because of it? That's your call. If you love her as much as you say, you might need to have a talk with her. Good luck.

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