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Be friends or forget? or explore?

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I am amarried woman with 2 kids.


A few yearsback, before the kids,me and my hubby had a break where we lived in different cities.


During that break I had an affair (casual relationship, was mostly my decision because I was in break and not single) with another man. It was an intense relationship and I thought so many times that this guy was more or less perfect for me and I fell very much in love with him, but the romance was actually so strong that it scared me,so I ended up breaking up with him hoping I would forget him as time passed by.

I was never sure, because we never talked about it, but I think he had the same feelings too. I suspect that he switched jobs for me and moved closer to where I lived, but I am not sure he did that to be closer to me or if he just did that because he wanted to live there.


It took me about 2 years to get to the point where I didn’t think about him everyday, and after some more time he was a distant memory.


5 years after we parted last time, he suddenly contacts me again and tells me he has been promoted to captain, and we went out for lunch, just for old days. He told me he has a girlfriend now and that they are planning to build a house together and have a baby. After that I didn’thear from him again, until now, where he sends me an email telling me he is now single again, that he is going to sell his apartment and buy a house.


So what doI do?


Ps I have told my husband about this man.

Edited by Mrs.Dee
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Hi Mrs. Dee. :)


A few questions immediately came to mind:


  1. How did your husband react to the knowledge about your relationship with this other man?
  2. What happened with the other man's relationship with his girlfriend? It sounds like they had big plans that suddenly vanished...
  3. How old are your children & how are your relationships with them? Have you thought about how your decisions will possibly affect their future (especially custody considerations)?

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Hi Mrs. Dee. :)


A few questions immediately came to mind:


  1. How did your husband react to the knowledge about your relationship with this other man?
  2. What happened with the other man's relationship with his girlfriend? It sounds like they had big plans that suddenly vanished...
  3. How old are your children & how are your relationships with them? Have you thought about how your decisions will possibly affect their future (especially custody considerations)?

1. As stated above, we lived in different citys and had a break. He is not a very jealous kind of guy.

2. I don't know what happened. I havn't asked him about it yet, but my Guess is he figured out he didn't want to move from this part of the country and to her part. ( where she is originally from, but Yeah it did sound like they had big plans.

3. me and the father share custody over the kids, and we live like a very normal family. And it is a good and supporting environment for everyone I think. no really big problems, Nice careers. house With garden and fruit trees :). very stable, but no real Connection between me and hubby - for many years now :(

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