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Do you enjoy being teased?

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Have you ever met some who teases you? How does it make you feel? What is your outward response? What is your opinion of someone who teases you?


I tend to tease men a lot. Trying to be playful, and they usually laugh, but starting to wonder how they really feel about it. Always assumed people wouldn't laugh if they didn't like something, but starting to think it may be a polite response, and even if it doesn't hurt their feelings, it may give them a "keep your distance" signal.


Thoughts? How can I show off my playful side without pushing men away?

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It depends on who it is, what they are teasing me about and what relationship I have with them. If I am not amused, I don't laugh.


If it is someone I've never spoken to before and he starts teasing me, I will think him presumptuous. I only like it if I have a good connection with the person already.

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Absolutely love it, as long as it is done by someone I find at least a little attractive and in a fun, playful, or flirtatious way. Definitely find it attractive, and it's fun to be able to tease each other.

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totally, I can laugh at myself...I love a bit of banter!


My gf has always taken the mick out of me all the time (so obviously I don't have a problem with it) we have loads of banter, its good fun BUT you do have to be careful!


There are certain subjects neither of us would ever touch - this is why its difficult if you don't know the person too well. If someone I didn't know too well teased me on something that was a bit too close to the quick then I think i'd probably just laugh it off, maybe with a "ouch" but it would affect my judgement of them.


Even when it is funny, you have to be careful doing it constantly - id get annoyed pretty quickly if someone was making comments about every little thing I did - that's just me but teasing, banter, im well up for but I cant deal with overly critical people - gets my goat up!


Also, I don't know how to explain this...but like with my gf, even before she was my gf, there was this warmth in the way she did it (and I hope she feels the same about me) yeah she took the micky out of me, but I knew she was just joking, she was also really nice to me, and she wouldn't of stood by and watched other people put me down, I guess, like, there was the banter but I also knew she liked me.

Same with a lot of my closest mates - they love to find something to rib me for but I know they'd always have my back and that they support me.


I guess theres just a line, most guys can laugh at themselves and are happy to be teased a bit but no one likes to be put down all the time, everyone likes to have there ego stroked once in a while and be made to feel good about themselves.

Teasing's great but relationships have to have another element to them in order to work IMHO

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i think you really have to have spoken with a person and know where the teasing comes from, what communication style is their style.dry wit ....loaded sarcasm....if it comes from a good place as in genuine affection, you feel relaxed and you can tease back playfully......if teasing comes by someone who doesnt know me it becomes a little awkward for me......i don't reply or i change the subject...my family tease me all the time as have ex partners, in an affectionate they know me so well manner...lol....and it is good natured and i reciprocate......



others dont really try to tease me unless it is from another place that isnt so good.....then its deb on the defense.....deb

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I personally usually quite liked being teased and am usually up for some banter. Usually I will see it playful flirting and sometimes I will take it as a sign of interest. Sometimes I will playfully tease back.


However I do find that it has to be fairly obvious that they are joking, otherwise I may get the wrong impression. Through text messages or online in particular it may not be some obvious that it was intended as a joke so I may get the wrong end of the stick.

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One of my best female friends can't resist teasing me. We share pretty funny banter and she knows me very well. That's her way of showing endearment towards me :)

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I'm the only person on God's green Earth who doesn't enjoy teasing.


If a woman is interested in me, she should just approach me and say so... I don't do nonverbal.

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For me, I've learned over the years to take anything. By that I mean regardless of whether I know the person teasing me pretty well or not at all, I still absorb whatever they throw at me. I kind of conditioned myself to take everything as sarcasm/playful, even if it's meant seriously and in a mean way (which isn't often anyway). I don't think anyone has ever pushed me to my breaking point through teasing, so it's probably way up high on the resiliency ladder. I'm a good-natured person! haha


Of course I should add that I do love a little teasing from someone I like a lot. Pretty attractive in my opinion!

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Thanks everyone for sharing! It sounds like most people don't take it too seriously, as long as they know it comes from a good place, or there is a balance of kindness there... It's easy to just get "high" on the teasing part, and forget to look for ways to reinforce kindness with people.

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Teasing in the sense of joking around is cool. Making harmless jokes. I enjoy it and I do the same with women as well.


If you mean teasing in the sense of not being explicit when it comes to showing interest, like playing hard to get, no. That doesn't work at all for me.


I'm only interested in women who 100% are super into me and make it known early and often.

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Hmm... I hadn't thought about the "hard to get" angle. I'm not sure what that would look like. It does make me wonder... I don't think I even know what it looks like for a man to show interest in me? I guess I'm always wait for something very direct (like asking me on a date, which has happened maybe twice in my adult life).


How do you let a woman know you're interested in the first place? And what kind of things qualify as playing hard to get?

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How do you let a woman know you're interested in the first place? [/Quote]


I tell them flat out I dig them. I tell them "you're a cool chick, I dig you," or "you're a cool chick, I want to get to know you better."


And what kind of things qualify as playing hard to get?


Being wishy washy. Some days seeming like you're super into me, other days going cold. Pretty much the whole hot/cold game. Not coming out and openly telling me you like me, etc.

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