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I have a question for y'all. I have recently rekindled things with my ex (we were together when I was 14 years old.) and he and I get along amazingly. We have not had sexual relations yet, just getting to know each other again.


However, when we spent some time together this past weekend, I noticed he would just be watching me quietly at different times. I just wondered if any of you would have some insight about why he'd just be silently watching me. It wasn't uncomfortable to me or anything.


I would ask him but I don't want to make a huge deal out of it and make him feel uncomfortable since it did not bother me. I'm just curious as to what a guy "might" be thinking as he watches a woman silently like he did.

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Ask him.


"Wow, I can't believe I am finally with her!" :)




"Hmmm, how much she's changed. Is this the way I always picture it?"


Ask him. :)

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I think he was admiring, your intellect and personality. :cool:


I think, you know, what he was thinking about.

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It can be one of two things:


1. He's smitten

2. He's questioning how things are going.


I don't think you can ready this sort of 'body language' (for want of a better word) without contrasting with other signs you're getting from him.


If there's a lot of eye contact and smiling and listening and questioning, them most likely #1

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I know if I were to do that, I'm horny as all hell and I'm tempted to walk over there, pull off her panties and bang her like she hasn't been banged before..... :D


.....or go to the restroom ASAP and try to kill the pressure on my penis before she sees it and I get embarrassed. :(


One of the two.


It's best to ask her. It could be all kinds of things, both good and bad.

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I'm a guy and have been asked this on occasion. Based on the context of your post, it seems you caught him out of the corner of your eye at different times, not bluntly staring at you, right?


If so, heres what some of my reasons could be:


1) She is ****ing gorgeous and it's nice to look at her

2) I'm REALLY into her and thinking something about that topic while looking at her

3) I have to address the post before this, as this is quite a reality. Yes, I will stare and daydream about this woman next to me screaming my name in the throes of passion.

4) I'm in love


Or, for the not-so-good reasons:


4) She just said something and it doesn't make sense with what she said before (story that was told differently or something), so instead of making the situation uncomfortable and bring it up, I will silently stare and try to work it out in my head

5) She's much different than what you remember

6) She's acting wierdly


Yeah, those would be the main reasons as to why I would be caught staring at someone while also not trying to be noticed. Granted, theres probably a billion more reasons why, but I don't know if I can handle typing all of them out.

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Usually a good sign. I will gaze fondly at a woman I am with when I am interested in her. I won't keep staring like a creep. I will break contact and look at other parts of her, or turn my gaze away momentarily, but will always return to looking at her.


I had a first date with this lady last night and all I wanted to do was look at her. Cuz I'm thinking she's cute, I just want to take her image in, I want to know her more, etc etc.

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From what you said you had dated b4 and he agreed to spend time with you after all this time. He can only be thinking sometin positive

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Sometimes it's nice to just look at a pretty girl and wonder how the hell we got so lucky.


I wouldn't read anything into it at all.

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Last relationship i had with a girl i really liked i would do the same thing at times, and i remember thinking, "she is so pretty, i just want to throw her on the bed...". But that was me.

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