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Marriage and Flirting....

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I already posted this on a diff thread....but I wanted to repost under the correct topic area....


for those who have read about me....you know that this little story is a good thing me..I mean it is for what I am going through...anyways...here goes...




I half to share a little story that made me feel good about my self....


but a little background first. My wife is a very strong woman....very beautiful and a very confident lady. She gets labled as a firecracker sometimes because she is so out going and bold. She loves attention like that. She has this energy vibe that is very attractive to both men and women....


What I am getting at is that she has never had to worry about me "putting my self out there" like that. I have always been lowkey in my character. She never had a reason to be jealous...and I think that maybe that was a bad thing....casue maybe if she was more jealous at times it would make her realize what she has in me...and that if she didnt hold on tight, that someone could get in at some point.


Anyways....that tinge of jealous finally took place the other day. It was actually quite nice. Know I now that I am a nice person, attractive and fun to be around. But due to my insecurities, i didnt understand or believe it untill now.


SO.....me and wife met up with a GF of hers who was out with another GF. My wife have never met this other girl before. So we walk in the bar and I see a friend i have seen in a while...so I stay and caht with him a bit, while my wife goes in the back to find her firend. A few minutes later I go look for them too....as I walk up to the table (wife and her firend dont see me), but the other girl saw me and I over heard her say to my wife and her firend..."Ohhh theres a cute one"...as I continue walking over to them...my wife notices that it was me....hahahaha they all laugh and I sit down inbetween my wife and this other girl. We all sat and had afew drinks. The other girl was talking to me alot...and we had alot in commen. She thought U2 and Pearl Jam were the two greatest bands alive...WHICH I think too...I was flattered and interested. This girl also know alot about sports and we were watching the Bucks game and we talked about that a while. She also plays pool, which i play alot, so me and her wnet and played a few games. Then my wife and her friend got up to go to the bathroom....and this girl said to them "go ahead, I'll just stay here and flirt with yuor cute husband". Later on we went to a dance bar...I dont dance, and neither did her friend, but my wife and this other girl wnet and danced. Oh and I have to say that my wife ansd this other girl were wearing the same outfit sorta...jeans and brown shirt and both have bolnde hair. Anyway...they came off the dance floor...I was up against the table setting down my beer and I feel this a$$ and hips shaking up against my hips....so without looking I grabbed her waist and right under the breast...OHHH...turn around to see it was NOT my wife. hahaha I said to her, "OMG I thought you were my wife"...and this girl looked me in the eye and said..."no you didnt! "...all the while my wife is standing there....my wife kinda looked at me with a smile of hey what you doin?....but its was like a look of "hey thats kinda sexy"...in a wierd way. Then when we left, this other girl gave me a hug and ran her fingers up around the back of my neck and into the back of my hair..(not a normal hug you give to someone you dont know)...it was a VERY flirtatious hug and then she said to me "buy, see you around sometime".......man that was a nice feeling.


Anyway...when we got home my wife said to me that she felt a little flattered by this other woman hitting on me all night....even right in front of her. I asked her if she was jealous...she said, nah...I;m not, I know you wouldnt do anything anyways. She also said that she tought I loved it and she was kinda glad that it happened cause she knows this sorta thing NEVER happens to me.


Well 2 days later, in the morning my wife says to me.."so did you dream about Julie last night?"...hahahah i said no I dream about you. Then later that night...without prompting her....she admitted to me that she DID feel little jealous...and that maybe she needs that every now and then to remind her what she has and that other women DO find me attractive.



All i can say from this experience is that I LOVED IT......things like this NEVER happen to me...let alone in front of my wife....but man I am so gald it did. It felt REALLY GOOD. I also told my wife that now i kinda understand why she likes attention like that from other people...because it make you feel good, makes you feel wanted. And dont get me wrong, my wife feels wanted by me....its the thrill of other people enjoying what yuo have that is exciting. Anyways....it was a good thing that it happen....not only to boost my understanding that other women DO find me attractive and also that my wife felt a little threatened by this other woman.....keep her on her toes....hahahaha



hope it happens more....hehehehehehe

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Just curious...you posted this in the OM/OW section and I'm wonderinf you felt like you mat want to move to the next step since this attention felt so good? I truly hope that you don't. I get what you mean about attention from others and even a "stranger's" touch can feel electric...but I hope this is as far as it goes.

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Originally posted by cheatersrsad

Just curious...you posted this in the OM/OW section and I'm wonderinf you felt like you mat want to move to the next step since this attention felt so good? I truly hope that you don't. I get what you mean about attention from others and even a "stranger's" touch can feel electric...but I hope this is as far as it goes.


no no no...it would never get to that. If you knew my whole story I;d think youd understand better.


But no, I would never go the next step. My wife and I are in recovery from a quasi-ONS that she had.


But you see, one of the things is I am getting over some of my insercurites, one of which that people dont find me physically attractive....and this event helped me with that. And it helped me wife understand that she may be "all that"...but it helped her realize that I TOO am attactive to other people. You see my wife ALWAYS gets hit on....it jus happens. And i never do...so now that this happened....in kinda a wierd way...its helping us understand what we have in eachother.....does that make sence?

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