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Building a new circle of friends.

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I understand.


All of you must surely be asking, "Why is this guy asking about friendship on a dating site?! He should discuss the finer points of how hopeless the dating scene is for certain men instead!" While the idea is certainly very intriguing, let's take a moment to listen to my explanation. Let's also assume for a moment that I'm actually sane and fairly normal in many respects.


I'm in my mid-to-late twenties and I've moved to a new area awhile back. I do not know anybody in the area, and there's nobody who I can readily network with. Although I have friends in several states across the country, most of whom I still continue to visit, I would like to build some new friends locally. I have no problem approaching complete and total strangers and striking up a conversation and making asking for a phone number. So the prospects of finding an actual date isn't a big deal. My problem is that I just need friends. Between things like the gym, the grocery store, and complete and total strangers on the street I've found plenty of people to talk to. In fact just today I had a wonderful discussion on the painful experiences of listening to country music inspired by a whiskey induced drunken stupor and roadkill. Although interesting, I still haven't really been able to make friends in my area yet. It seems that people in their late twenties are far more inclined to focus on career and family above anything else. But I'm not letting that stop me from putting myself out there to at least try.


Does anyone have any suggestions?

That would be pretty awesome.

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Does anyone have any suggestions?

That would be pretty awesome.


Yes I do. Start skydiving. You will immediately gain a whole new circle of friends. It's the best social club on the planet.

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That's a wicked awesome idea.


Thanks for the suggestion.

I've given a few social activities a decent shot before - rockface climbing, spelunking, and lately I've been slowly training myself to qualify for marathons.

But I've never even thought about saving up my money for skydiving lessons.

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