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Someone please help me :( i am sad and confused and need advice :(

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Hi everybody,


i am really sad and confused right now and i need some good advice.


About a month and a half ago i met a girl on my soccer team and she was obscessed with me and wanted to go out. we are still going out now but i am starting to be suspicious if she is cheating on me. she is a senior in highschool and i am only a sophmore. i dont think it has anything ot do with experience though, because she said i was the best kisser she had ever kissed and im a natural at sexual stuff. recently her ex-boyfriend returned from his assignment aboard a ship (he is a merchant marine). anyway, he started calling her and trying to hook back up with her. he also had cheated on her while he was on the boat, thus the reason they broke up. she says she has told me everything he has said on the phone and that she would never leave me for him. she stopped answering his calls , at least she says she has....i am still suspicious that they might be doing something though.


Also, she is going to a friends birhtday party tomorrow and she said there are guys there. i was scared and asked if she would hook up with any of them. she replied " no, none of the guys she knows are cute." this makes me wonder that if they were cute, would she hook up with them? :(


Also she usually enjoys sexual favors and stuff like that but for the last 2 times i have seen her she hasnt been "in the mood". the first time was understandable because her parents were upset with her about somthing really stupid which even i was amazed at why they were mad at her. so obviously she wasnt in a good mood and just wanted to cuddle. but the next time however, shye wasnt "in the mood" for no particular reason that i could think of. i asked if it was somthin i had done wrong , which was nothing that i could think of , and she said nothing was wrong. i dont believe her.. i am worried that she is not being sexual becasue she is using her sexual energy somewhere else.


also she had slept with her last 2 boyfriends in the first couple weeks of going out but hasnt done it to me yet. :( its not the fact that she wont do it because that is not all that i love her for, but its just the fact that she hasnt that makes me sad becasue i feel like im not as good as the others or somthing..or that theres somthing wrong with me. it is very confusing too because she and her friends agreed that i was the hottest guy she had ever dated( which i dont believe becasue i think i am ugly :( ) and it seems like her last 2 boyfriends were a**h***s and i am the nice guy type. i just dont understand.


sorry that the story is a bit long but i just have so much to say. i am really confused and sad right now and i would really apprieciate help from someone who knows about this thing.. i really love this girl and i want it to last a long time but im not sure if she feels the same about me. is she cheating on me or is it just a misunderstanding? :( please help :(

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You are young. Still, a month and a half is not long enough to be "in love" especially as a sophomore in HS. Wait about 6 years or so and you will have a better understanding of what love actually is.


Sometimes women just aren't in the mood. Especially HS girls. They are not the sexual creatures men are, especially not at that young an age. I wouldn't worry too much about that.


The fact that she hasn't slept with you yet might mean you are more important than other guys believe it or not. She might want to wait and make sure this relationship is about more than just sex. She probably got burned with the other guys and is trying to avoid it. If you are a really nice guy you will be patient and not pressure her.


Do you have any evidence she is cheating on you or do you just have a gut feeling based on your own insecurities? If it is just a feeling get it under control or you will destroy the relationship with unfounded distrust.

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