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Sex with ex-spouse during divorce......

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Couple months in, and this happened the other night. We are in the middle of a divorce, so what now? What does this mean?

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Couple months in, and this happened the other night. We are in the middle of a divorce, so what now? What does this mean?


It means don't get her pregnant. Better yet, don't sleep with her.

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It means you are delaying both of your recoveries. "No contact" is a much better approach to getting over the pain in my opinion.

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It means one of you was horny and the other is putting too much stock in the fact you had sex.


Guess which one you are.

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Not a good idea. I got the offer, but passed in fear of the "big prego".

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I have a friend that has been divorced 8 years and his youngest daughter is 8. 5000.00 a month child support and alimony for ex and 3 kids.

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I have a friend that has been divorced 8 years and his youngest daughter is 8. 5000.00 a month child support and alimony for ex and 3 kids.


Is that worth 5 minutes of fleeting pleasure?

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Ugh!!! Cannot tell you how horrible it is to be both gas lighted and find out later your ex was comparison shopping. My experience felt a little like this.....

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It is just sex, as long as you understand that, then no problem. If you are see it as her wanting to get back together, then you need to abstain. Also, you don't know who else she has been with, so just remember "no glove, no love".

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Ive been separated from my wife for almost 3 years,,, after the first 3 months we slept together and I got confused.. then nothing for a year maybe a dinner with the grandkids with her but no sex or anything like that (she was and is having sex with other men) then she got really sick in Sept 2012. I stayed with her a few days to help and it didnt go well. So nothing for 6 months not even dinners,, talked a couple times. Well over the last 6 months we have slept together and gone on a vacation and hung out.. We are just trying to be friends and just that with no goal to reconcile the marriage. So enjoy it as sex with somebody you know intimately but nothing more than sex. Just my advice only.

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Legally, it means that this can be seen as "forgiveness" and if the other spouse tells the lawyer then one of you may have to file again.


On another note, I actually cannot imagine having sex with my STBX again.... it doesn't make me sad..or feel anything negative, I feel nothing for him sexually actually (thats not why I fell for him in the beginning anyway because that dept was lacking)....


I actually am looking forward to sexually being with someone new...just not at that stage yet (darn it lol).

Edited by Misadventure
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IMO, it means you both needed a release and you are both comfortable with each other so it happened.


Your attorney should have mentioned to you about making sure you use birth control, the worst possible outcome of this is she gets preganant and the divorce continues, what a mess that would be.

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