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tell me it gets easier

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My husband and I separated a few months ago and I recently filed for divorce. Missing him is not an issue but missing my kids when they go stay with him is sooo hard. It really is the hardest thing about divorce. Does it get easier?:(

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It will get easier a little sooner if you put in perspective that children's visits with their non-primary custodial parent is for and about the children. They do deserve whatever love, support they can get from both parents, to learn about and from each parent, etc. (The visits are also for and about the other parent, of course...even if we no longer give a shyte about that half of it <lol>.)


Your missing them is completely understandable yet it's also lacking your understanding, compassion for them; the impact of the divorce on them, changes they must face and deal with, etc. -- regardless if infants or teenagers, it's tough on the children.


Their being with their Dad is also though, if you wanted to make it, an opportunity to do something fun, pamper yourself, reconnect with old friends, try a new hobby, etc.


It is difficult...and it will get easier.


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How old are you kids? I don't think it's ever easy, but it seems to fall into place at some point. I was an adult when my parents divorced and it was hard then...just another perspective.

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