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Where to Find My Type of Girl


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I've somewhat come to the conclusion that I have a good bit of introverted qualities and it's not that I can't get girls, it's just extremely hard to find any that I find to be a worthwhile venture.


Now in high school, I didn't have many friends until I met one girl who I was very interested in who introduced me to a bunch of good friends outside of school and she kinda kickstarted my social life. I liked hanging out with them because we had a lot of history since most of us had known each other since elementary or middle school. Unless it was for her, I probably never would've seen most of my friends outside of school.

But then something odd happened, I had a great friend that I've known for years who kinda fits the lazy/chill rocker metalhead type. He invited me to hang out with his friends kinda out of nowhere. When I was with him and his friends, I felt at home. I didn't have to try to be me, I was worried about what everyone was thinking, I was just able to be. I loved every one of his friends. I even got a number from one of the girls there afterwards who I still think about from time to time. I started seeing them and hanging out with them at school and they introduced me to their friends and they were all just as awesome as the last. And they all kinda fell into the rocker/skater/metalhead/gamer type.

But the thing was in high school those people were sparse to say the least.


I realized something about myself this year, I have a huge thing for girls with tattoos and kinda the whole alt-girl look. That paired with the love of rock/metal music makes me love that whole type of subculture and the people in it.


But my problem is I don't give off the image that would attract girls like that all (at least in my opinion). I'm a frat boy at a state college majoring in computer science at the engineering college. I like dressing clean, wearing polos, and swoopin my hair to the side haha.

I've tried talking to the sorority girls that would be into typical frat guys but we just have nothing in common in and they're just a chore to talk to. Their only redeeming quality is that most of them are pretty but that doesn't get you anywhere.


Where would I look for rocker/alt girl type girls at a state college as a sophomore?

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Hey, good afternoon mister snowman4839.

You remind me of a slightly younger version myself, I think, except instead of polos and swooping hair to the side, I wear a suit jacket and use my straight razor with lather imported from Italy. So I'm very familiar with grabbing the attention of people who would immediately assume that I'm completely different. Trust me, you do not need to give off the right image to attract certain women. You have the power to approach the people who you are interested in getting to know. Let me share with you what's worked for me in the past:


Metalheads are a very specific subculture so my advice is equally specific. I think you should face the music. I've met some of the most interesting people while in concert lines. Most venues have a decent wait along with a bar and plenty of people. The simple act going to concerts will help you - provided that you are willing to interact with other people before, during, and after the concert.

Edited by ThatMan
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