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Is he messing with me? Is he manipulating me?


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This guy I think is messing with me. When I first knew him he constantly stared at me so I went to a party and he was there he was talking to me and flirting with me, he asked for my number, so I gave it to him. He started texting me and calling me incessantly. He started to ask me out alot, and because I was unsure about him I held off on going out with him, and I rejected his offers in a very nice way. But then I got to know him, and he asked me to go to his baseball game and I agreed, but then he got into a fight with my dad (he works for my dad) and he got a tone with me, so I figured I wouldn't go to his baseball game and get wrapped up in that mess. We didn't speak for a month and then he came back in my life, and he started to talk to me again. He was saying "I love you" to me constantly, and he would try to kiss me, etc.


I rejected cause again, I was unsure. He then backed off, and would only ask me out when he was drunk, and I agreed cause I figured he would forget about it, but I never follwoed through his offers when he was drunk, cause I thought he wouldn't remember even asking me out. Then when he was drunk he wanted me to see his baby, and I agreed and then I saw him the next day and he never mentioned it to me, so I let it go, and thought "He doesnt remember" but he started to become possesive of me, and would question all the time who I was with and what I was doing. He then started to call me all the time to tell me about his problems, and his issues, and I helped him through alot, I was by his side 100% and so I thought we were close friends. He then asked me out a couple of times (sober) and when I would agree he would back out. He kept on doing that, and I don't understand why???


Then, he was telling me how he likes this girl Mandy and how infatuated he is with her, but yet he says to me "Let's do soemthing!" So I text him later and he says that he is out with Mandy and some friends, and I said "Ok well I am going out, so let me know if you still want to do something" He said "I will let you know when I am out of here" and he never let me know. Like Wtf?? I don't know if this is a control thing he is doing? Also he acts like he cares about me and texts and calls me to see how I am doing and such.


After he blew me off, he calls and texts me like nothing happened 3 days later, and I didn't pick up his call or respond to his text.


My friends were saying "He is not interested in you" Well ok, if he wasn't interested in me then why does HE cal me, Why does HE text me, and why does HE ask me out? He initiates every conversation we have! He intiates everything! And also if he is so into this Mandy girl then why was he trying to go out with me??


I think he is messing with me, cause my one friend made a good point, he said "I think he is trying to get back at you for rejecting him so much, and it's almost like a get back game with him"


What do you think? Any thoughts??? I am so confused! I feel like he is manipulating me!! But what do you think? Thank you!!! I need answers please!!!!

Edited by BrunetteBabe1005
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He's playing you. You should pull back a bit and stop being so easy. You have never said no to him! Give him a little chase. Stop responding to him and when he asks you out in person tell him you already have plans.

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He's playing you. You should pull back a bit and stop being so easy. You have never said no to him! Give him a little chase. Stop responding to him and when he asks you out in person tell him you already have plans.




Exactly this.

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I doubt he cares anything about Mandy - jealousy ploy. He's messing around with you and he's not worth the time. I'd say go NC.

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