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i have a question am i over reacting or what. i have posted here before ,my wife has gone to england for the third time the first time she went she came home and wanted a divorce. with me asking questions i got out of her she had feeling for a coworker,but said she did not love me anymore thats why she wanted a divorce. she went to england again and spent alot of time with her boss going for long walks out to dinner ect not the same guy she had crush on. now i come to find out the guy she had feelings for was in england the first time she went . this is the third time , she is there right now and the guy she had feelings for is there to i want to think there is noyhing going on but how do i know she has bought alot of new clothes including underwear. when it comes time to talk to me onthe phone she yawns and is always tired so i talk to her for 10 mins max . should i be worried or what she has gone for drinks with another coworker and i was angry but did not let her know am i crazy or what

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I think you would have to be in big time denial not to think something is going on. What if the roles were reversed? You tell your wife that you have feeling for another woman in England. The first time you go and return after seeing this woman and then tell your wife you want a divorce. You now go back again and spend lots of time waking and going to dinner with your female boss. In addition, your old flame is in England at the same time. When your wife calls you - you act like you are bored and cut the conversation short. Your wife comes here and asks should she be worried? My friend, do you need to have a piano fall on your head to understand what is happening? I think you may need to start protecting your assets. The chances look pretty obvious she is looking at other men. I wish you luck.

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