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Undiagnosed and Miserable...

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Maybe, I hoped my tooth was the culprit- but it's been yanked- and there was a bad infection- that could have been putting a burden on my kidneys to fight it off for a long time.


I am off the Diet Cola's now- lol.


We need some new shoes- where is Alphamale?


No idea. He's MIA. :(


Hey, I had a Dr appt beginning of Nov. asked for a referral to see an Opha specialist (too lazy to type it all out lol) got in to see him less than 2 weeks later.


D, find and deal with another Dr. This one is not helpful and is brushing you off.


Canada hasn't got it right with healthcare. It's awesome to show a health card and not have to pay a cent for a visit- but our taxes are high. We have also developed a massive healthcare care debt burden looking after "New Canadians" and their entire extended families since the 80's. I won't get into that though- not on this thread.


:mad: Yes, another thread. Just like I think I used up my Ford jokes too much, so I won't one here! :lmao:

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Thanks CT-


I saw an optometrist this morning and had my eyes checked. I've been having so much pain in my eye sockets, sinus area, and so much eye strain- that I wondered if my eyes are the cause of my problem, or a secondary manifestation of a primary condition. She checked my eyes for health problems and didn't see anything out of the ordinary besides a need for glasses. I don't know if eye strain can cause such severe symptoms.


I had emergency dental surgery after I first posted- because I had an abscessed tooth I wasn't aware of. My condition cleared up right after that for about a week- so I thought it was tooth related- but it came back the last couple days again with a vengeance. Bright red, hot, prickly, painful swollen red patches that start off underneath my eyes and as I know from the past pattern, I will be in emerge in a few days and need prednisone again because my eyes will turn purple and swell shut.


I am at that point where I am afraid to consume anything because I don't know if it's an allergy to food. I am existing on water and grapefruit. I wonder if it could be aspartame as I did have a couple diet pepsi's the past few days.


I am also dizzy and nauseous a lot of the time. On good days, I function fine. Today was a really bad day, I was driving and had to pull over because I felt to nauseous. If I stand up too fast I start to pass out.


My family doc just keeps fluffing me off like I'm over reacting. It's very frustrating- such a long waiting time to see specialists.


Did you eat different food when you had just had the surgery? What did you do differently during that week? If the swelling went during that time, there must be a reason. Another thing that occurred to me is you may have been given antibiotics after your surgery. If so, could they have kept this at bay?

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Did it clear up because you were on an antibiotic for your dental issue? Staph maybe?


Have you gone to a infection/disease specialist and have the skin scraped to be looked at under a scope?

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I'm so sorry to read what you've been dealing with. I'm positive you'll regain your health and the conventional beauty that you think has been diminished.

You just have to wait for it.


Under weight and swollen eyes....you still look better than most people. You can be certain that you will always be beautiful (in and outside) to everyone here.


I received a good beating once (ok...more than once) What really pissed my attackers off was that I looked even better after the fight. It's the ole GP charm, I can't help it.


I would pack up and take my limited medical knowledge to Canada to give you a between the legs exam/probing/massage, but those dang swat team Mounties have a bad habit of bursting in on me.....it gets annoying

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