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well before telling my problem, i wanna tell about my bestfriend..

im a girl and shez my first bestfriend,also a girl. We are going strong with 12years of friendship. She helped me,guided me in each and every part of my life. We are thick friends and though we stay away from eachother miles apart,we stay in touch through call,messages and internet. Even she feels im the bestest friend to her.

initially we both are very shy people.no body used to talk with us,and we became friends supporting eachother. Recently i lost my father and got depressed. She helped me overcome my sorrow and inspired me to acheive my goals in life.

We can never be separable. she got engaged recently and have to leave for australia with her hubby,so im gonna miss her.

now the thing is i wanna tattoo her name. We never gonna break our relation. I just want to express how much i like her.

Whats worrying me is what if my parents or my future hubby think of me negatively on seeing the tattoo of my bestfriend

please help me and no negative comments please. We are just good bestfriends. Im ready to do anything for her


lastly,I am very sorry for my poor english

Edited by qwerty_queen
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sorry, I don't see the problem.

are you worried about being seen as a lesbian just because you have a girls name on your arm?


Guys have "Mother" on their arm, no one thinks there's something weird about that...


...or do they?

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thanks for replying but nobody thinks wrong on seeing mother tattoo,but i fear my future hubby may think wrong about me..i just need some push up to go for tattooing my bestfriend's name..i wanna surprise her

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I think the fact that you're worried about what people might think is a good reason to not get the tattoo. You really have to genuinely not care what other people think of it. You do seem to care, and there's nothing wrong with that.


If you're dead set on getting it, why not wait a year? There's no reason not to. It's a permanent decision you're making, so you should at least give it the respect it deserves and think about it for a year. Make an appointment with a tattoo artist for October 12th, 2014. If you still want her name tattooed on your body, get it done at that time.


Also, can I please suggest that instead of getting her name done, choose some artwork that reminds you of your friendship and your experiences together. Then in 50 years, you won't have to explain who "Courtney" is, people will just see a flower or whatever and not question it.

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you dont need to get a tattoo did you know that people you love are permanently in your heart their names are in there...true friendship doesnt need validation.......externally.........i regret getting a tattoo i have to have it removed because it is the name of my ex...i did it in a stupid moment of self hate actually.. ........consider not doing it.....and write a poem for your bestest buddy, that poem then she can have forever with her......best wishes...deb

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