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forgive and forget

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I,m going to make this brief as the last message I wrote was too long. I had a g/f and because of some really stupid things I did I lost her. I now know what caused me to do all the stuff but now it's too late or is it. i was talking with a friend last night and she said Love never truly does dissapppear but in what form it wil take if it comes back, we never know. Is there anyone that believes a couple can have what they once had, taking into consideration that we can forgive but we can never forget.

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A couple will never return to what they were before the breakup/betrayal/whatever. They can, however - build on that foundation and use the strengths of the past relationship and the lessons learned from the mistakes to make a stronger and more durable relationship. Sometimes, anyway. Once a break is made, the relationship is forever altered - but that doesn't mean that it can't become something better and more stable.

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