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Heres the deal with me I have been dating this girl for the past two month and she is honestly the most beutiful amazing person I have ever me,we get along great and have a ton in common,over the last two weeks her grandpa had been in the hospital and she has been very busy with school and we have not been able to be together except for one night when she visited me for my birthday, I thoiugh at first when she did not talk to me for a few days that I did something wrong but I found out it was because of her grandpa,wel anyways I though that she didnt want to be with me anymore but her granpa is the reason and I very much understand that ,so she goes to college with my cousin(this is how we met she introduced us and my cousin said that she told her she feels bad because she hasnt had time to be with me and she really misses me ,well I absolutely miss her and Im crazy about her ,I cant get her aout of my mind and shes the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep? anyway my question is next time I see her how is the right way to tell her how I feel about her Im actually falling in love with her but I dont want to tell her that because I dont want to scare her off and I know she doesnt need anymore pressure with school finals and everything.I just want to know how I should go about telling her how much I care and feel about her and how much I want to be with . thanks for the help

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Take her out again and tell her over dinner. She probably would like to get out if she's been all couped up. Continue to be sensitive about her Grandpa too. :)

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have you ever tried visiting her grandpa with her? she would proberbly appreciate the moral support and it would show that you are concerned to and that u have a mature relationship with each other. and that she means a lot to you.!!!!! maybe u shud start off a heart felt conversation with her by saying how much youve missed her recently, if she responds well u can go on to tell her u like her lots etc. if she feels the same then no doubt she will b ecstatic to hear this from, and then u can continue being ther for her while her grandads ill.


good luck.

emily and hannah

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Thanks for the replies ,I have offered to go with her to the hospital to see her grandpa with her but I guess she feels and I do a little bit too that it wouldbe a little akward to go there with her I make sure to ask how he is doing every day,even though I would love to go with her just so I can see her and be with her because we havent seen each other hardly at all in the last two weeks,I just want to make sure that I dont ma her feel weird by telling her how I feel and want to know how ant of you ladies her feel when somebody tell you how they feel about you

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In addition to what everyone else has said, if you feel like telling her your feelings will add to the pressure then wait until school finals are over. I think Christmas or New Year's Eve would be icing on the cake if you could tell her then, maybe even accompanied with a nice gift! Good luck!

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Have any of you missed someone so much that you wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall asleep because your thinking about them , Im just asking because this has been the hardest three weeks I have ever had with my girlfriend helping out her family with her grandpa and with her finals for school Its killing me only seeing her one day in two weeks last week (at least she made a little time to see me for my birthday last week thats how I know she still cares a little bit about me lol) but I still think about her constantly throughout every day and I dont know how to try to keep her out of my mind

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You have been dating her for two months (eight weeks) minus the two weeks that she has been preoccupied with her grandfather and school, which equals six weeks.


IMHO - and this is just how I feel personally - don't go to the hospital to see her grandfather. You haven't known her very long, so you've known him even less (most likely). Keep in mind that this is MY personal feeling, but I think it is tacky. It's right down there with bringing a date to the funeral home. You can/should continue to ask how he is progressing and offer to help the family somehow, but an illness/death is a very private thing.


Take a deep breath. Take a few more. Now, go out and buy her a "Thinking of You" card.


Take it slow, cuz there ain't no rush.


Lil Honey

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Well her grandfather is doing better and should hopefully be home next week or so so at leat that will be one thing off her mind,and I dont think I would ever go to the hospital with her just becasue of the fact that it would be so akward, I have bought her reoses a few times and I also sent flowers to her house last monday hoping they would make her feel better ,which I hope they did. Im just head over heel for this girl and am falling in love with her, and Im just missing her so much that its driving me crazy. I just hope once finals and everything are over she gets back to her old self.

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