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ex and my girlfriend = bad

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Well basically it was me and my girlfriends "two month anniversary" we basically just went to a movie then went back to her place. There we started talking, she asked me why I loved her and when I told her she said I was wrong about everything. I laughed because to me she was every one of the things I had described. However, she had a story to tell. She told me how she was dropping off a friend and her ex lived in the same neighborhood. She hadn't seen him in awhile so she decided to drop by ( I cringe here). She then tells me they hung out for awhile and when she was leaving he stopped her and said they should hang out more often. He then hugged her and she agreed, then he kissed her. This didn't bother me too much but then she added, "I did not stop him." Basically I said wow I need to think about this. She cried a little on my shoulder (not sure how sincere it was). And then I left.


What the hell.. I dont know what to think, this has never happened to me before.. Is this big, bad or what? Should I get rid of her?

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for one the whole 'why do u love me' thing, was TOTALLY attention seeking. she was just trying to make herself feel better for what she did, so she could say oooh im an awful person and u would reply, no ur not i love u because....etc.


it is quite bad what she did but it would be worse to carry it on as you sound as thought youve been getting quite involved in the relastionship whereas she doesnt seem commited at all and is stil hung up on her ex. IT WILL ALL END IN TEARS!!!!!



as twomonths is still the 'honeymoon' period, where your all romantic and happy, NOT THINKING ABOUT YOUR EX'S!!!! u should just be thinking about your future together.


and plus bringing it up on a special occasion like an aniversary and spoiling it for the both of u was very nasty, and again shes attention seeking bringin it upat a time when it would cause more of a scene,and hoping u wud forgive her coz ur on ur anniverary.


id get out before it has a chance to happen again

good luck

emily and hannah.

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I don't know. Verify she still has feelings, verify it wasn't just a friendly kiss, and make sure that she knows how you feel. I am a person who would give you a million second chances and never hesitate so you may not want to listen to me.

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ok if that being true , that u are the kinda guy who forgives people i can understand but u have to be careful that u don't get taken for a ride. This is different though because you are in a relationship you should be treated equally, would she forgive you as easily. Also if you were all set to forgive her why would u need advice is it because you know its out of order what she did.

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i didnt ever say i was set to forgive her... (did you confuse my post with broli's? heh.) Anyways I did end up forgiving her. I know I can trust her to be honest and I really doubt she will do something like this again because she knows it will be the end of us. Thanks for the answers, they helped alot.

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