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Year long bitter divorce is killing me

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Right after we met, he moved out. A month later he told her all about me and why he wanted out of their 15 year marriage with two kids. He filed for divorce and she has tried to bury him. I have been with him this whole time and I am starting to break. I already left once because the stress was killing me. I am from across the country and went home, where I slept well for the first time in months.


I love this man, but I am starting to get extremely depressed. They are almost at the end, and I feel like I am walking on eggshells. Everytime I think its over some new thing to fight about comes up with the lawyers.


I don't want to leave but I don't know if I can stay right now.

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I hate to break it to you, but the drama likely will not end after the divorce, either. Long, drawn out divorces like this with bad feelings on both sides have a way of prolonging the tension for years afterwards. I have to wonder why your MM felt the need to tell her he had an OW AFTER he had already left and filed for divorce? It seems he may have wanted to stick the knife in her further and he succeeded. Now all of the bickering between them is because they both have not let go and you are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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i am just in a bad place. just looking for support.


Hope it gets better for you WSG. Your godsend will be the day bs finds a new partner, she should lay off some then in the high of the new relationship and thoughts of a new bright future and for the sake of not coming off as a psycho to her new mate


((Hugs)) girl xo

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Thanks for your kind words. I am just trying to stay sane. I am really good at running away from these kinds of things but I don't seem to have the legs right now. I guess that is what love is. I just hope that the end comes soon and we can focus on each other and the kids instead of her demon lawyer.


Ps. She found a new man months after he moved out and had the new guy immediately move in. The two of them stole alot of money from my partner and generally made life very difficult. Now she has broken up with him and is trying to get him put in jail. Has a huge criminal case against him and we are trying hard to stay out of it. However, the lawyers on THAT case keep trying to bring us into it. Crazy stuff and def not the drama free life I had before meeting this man. The only plus is that now she needs to treat us better and its motivation to get the divorce over with so she can focus on the other case.



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