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need some with my friends


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So there is the girl i hang out with all the time. She is 20. We alway are with other people and i feel left out all the time. She is always insulting me. Making fun of me. The other night i saw some texts on her phone. Which i know i should have not read. But there was alot of hurtfull stuff said about me. About how i am basically a looser. And how she built a pillow wall on the sofa. And then i took it down. And makes fun of me in my boxers about being gay when u am not. Then when she was drunk. She wanted to have sex with this guy and she told him i should just die. She says alot of hurtfull stuff. I had a crush on her but never asked her out bc she showed bo interest. U really liked her. I do so much stuff for her and i thought i trusted her. But she does **** for me and is a total bitch. I bend over backwards for for. Lend her my stuff when she asks.Like saying u would not sleep on the floor at a condo which i paid my share for. But guess what. I slept on the floor.

Is this how fruends are. Making fun and saying very hurtfull stuff. Btw i am a very shy persib and dont have alot of guy or girl friends


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Nope, that isn't how friends act. Run, run far away. She's not worth your friendship or anything else.

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she is such a bitch towards me and i ****ing hate her guts. She acts like nothing even happens and i am the type of person who keeps everything inside. and the guy pretends to be my friend too. but when I read thoes text messages I think i cried because they were basically calling me a looser, and making fun of me. I sit next to her in studio and I see her everyday for like 5 hours. to make it worse I sit next to her. I get so sad because I really liked her in the beginning. First time I fell for a girl this hard, and I will never let it happen again I can tell you that. I would rather be single. I have never been this sad in my entire life.

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Are you 10 or something? If someone treats you like crap, leave.


Plenty of other fish in the sea.


On reflection, does anyone else think this could be a troll?

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Do whatever you can but get away from this person. Why would you sit there and stand for VERBAL ABUSE! This is a very negative situation you have there. This girl doesn't respect you! Plus you stand there and just soak it in like it was the norm. No one should be treated like this you need! Pull your gut in and make plans to leave or kick her out of this condo if you are the owner of it. You don't sleep on the floor! COME ON NOW! Get with the program here why are you letting her CONTROL YOU! Really! Can you sit there and tell us you want this girl as a friend! NO WAY! Forget any positive life with this girl nor anything like a relationship it never going to happen. Get your intent in order and find someone who's positive, respect you for who your are, loves you and also in love with you. This is what and how it should be not the living nightmare you are telling us about there. You live in THE NOW! Make the changes to your life so you can be happy!

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all these posters are right she i snto beign a friend to you at all...nasty and mean.....i have friends like this...oen guy is a 47 year old man, he was bought up as a ward of the state he has drug and alcohol dependencies raped as a boy by christian brothers he was found in a park with two drunk parent malnourished along with eight brothers also in varying stages of starvation and neglect...i am religious and he is angry with religion in general.....he has a dark void there in regards to faith, due to his experiences .....he is also my ex.......everyone tells me to run away from him......to give up.....to forget him....he calls me retarded, ugly, and sometimes he says i know you are goign to eb alone for the rest of your life your ex left you because you are crap........ad nauseum..he is lashing out he lashes at me i am the only one who has stuck by him...he has no family other than mine........ he at times can be extremely thoughtful and helpful he always helps people out.......he has some really fine qualities of charity he is pretty forgiving .......he is distrustful of most people even though he is polite he doesnt trust many..i am working on that one.....



so i will be different and say everyoen who treats another poorly has issues n9ormally.......and i understand why you cant take it the easiest thign woudl eb for you as other posters have said...is walk away.....a hard option but asatisfying and enlightening option.....would be to forgive her, to work on her be honest with her,tell her how you feel when she says what she does and if you can help her see that treating a so called friend like that isnt the way to go ......say to her someone must have treated you badly for you to treat em this way i fever you want to talk about it, ill be here but dont treat me the way you have been.....i dont appreciate or respect the way you treat me...help me understand why you choose too do this...as i offered i am here if you want to talk.........something like that



if you do or think you do want to understand why she is the way she is.....with you





i wish you well and understand that walking away may be the option you find to be the best for you....hugs....you dont deserve to be treated badly....deb

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