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Overreacting about best friend

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Hey I got an issue with my girlfriend lately and I'm not sure if it's me overreacting, or if I am having a genuine case here. So any help is appreciated.


We haven't been together for very long, it's been about a month. Also, we are pretty different people, personality wise. She is very extroverted and adventurous, and whilst I'm definitely not completely a rigid introvert, I defintely appreciate my alone (or together with my gf) time and structure. But that's not the true issue, I actually like our differences most of the time.


My main issue is her best friend. It's a girl and she's a bit of a trainwreck. She's quite nice, but she's socially awkward and very insecure. Also, she has an alcohol problem and sometimes engages in some drug abuse. When she doesn't use any of these, she's fine to hang out with, but when she's on them... I guess part of the reason I'm upset is that I think she is or can be a bad influence on my girlfriend.


My issue here is that my girlfriend and her best friend (who she has known for about two months) are really close. Or at least seem to be. I frequently feel like the third wheel when we are hanging out together, and since she is so insecure about herself, she wants to be with my girlfriend a lot, to feel accepted. I often feel more like I'm the guy friend, and they're in a relationship, also because they are so touchy with each other.


Now, I know the smart thing to do is to talk to my girlfriend about this, but I don't want to come across as a needy and insecure guy who is interpreting his girlfriend's friendship with her best friend completely the wrong way.So am I right in thinking that I should deserve more attention from my girlfriend when we are together, or should I accept it and see this as normal?

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