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One of my classmates recently offered to help me with homework. He offered to meet with me in the afternoons every Tuesday, which was nice of him. He also has a demanding full-time job half an hour away and goes to school at night, so I know he is making a serious effort to see me.


So I thanked him and was looking forward to meeting him this week, but we ended up getting no homework. I emailed him on Friday night around 7:30 pm asking to study together for an upcoming test. He replied immediately and wanted to meet up next Monday at 8 pm at his company's offices where they have an empty conference room. "Thanks, but no thanks," I said to myself. I am not looking for a random hookup.


Then he emails back "what time would work for you?" I said 3 pm, he asked for 4. I said ok. Then I replied back "what is the address of this place?" I got total silence. This was on Friday at midnight. No 20-something year old guy in finance goes to bed at midnight on a Friday.


So, is he playing games?

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