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bi-sexual? sex? death?


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one of my brothers ex- girlfriend passionately kissed me one night at a party. there was drinking, but neither of us was drunk when it happened. i knew she liked me because she would always heavily flirt with me. i never payed attention to her because i never was into the female/female thing.later that night after she kissed me, me and my brother got into a physical fight.the fight was over something else. my brother knows nothing about me and his ex. after that was over she sat next to me and broke me down emotionally by the way she kept saying that i had alot of pain inside that i was holding in and not admitting to. a few months prior to that i had a very close friend of mine get shot and killed. the pain from that was something i never really dealt with and nobody really held me or anything because i made it seem like everything was O.K. that night though, after the fight, she came up to me and held me so tight. i tried to pull away so i wouldnt break down, but when i did, she just held me tighter and i just broke down into tears. i felt as if she had taken a weight off my shoulders. after that when everybody went into the other rooms and and outside we were all over each other, i pulled back and told her this dont feel right,because i got scared. she got mad.she told me if i want to "be" with her i got to be sure. i am sure now, i feel like im falling in love with her. she wont come see me, shes always too busy, or shes in bed with her boyfriend. she hasnt made any type of verbal sexual advances to me on the phone at all. i stopped and noticed that i was making all the advances and chasing her. how did that happen?i never had to chase anybody in my life.i sent her a $60.00 box of roses, a poem and her favorite champane but remained anonamys, and she refused them. i called her up to tell her they were from me and she just said "how sweet". i got my money back from the flowers and stuff because she still never picked it up. i felt like a fool. i gave blood for the first time in my life to afford the cost of all that. i never told her that. one day she finally called me on her own and it was to borrow $50.00! she kept sayin" you said you wanted to do something for me, i need you to be there when i need you, your one of the people i can only depend on. i cant believe she was trying to use me! i got mad at her on the phone, but called her back 3 days later to say i was sorry. she excepted. i told her that i got a new surburban SUV and she asked me to come over and see her. her boyfriend was there at the time too. i dont get it... i never went to see her. i cant stop thinking about her, i cant stop the aching, longing feeling in my heart for her. she pursued me at first, doing whatever to make me happy. know that i have given in, shes giving me mixed messages. she talks to me like a friend when i come on strong to her. when i figure she doesnt want me like that and start treating her like a friend, she starts coming on to me.she said for me to come to her when i was "ready", i am , how come she isn't or is she? shes 26 and im 21. somebody anybody, please help me,please!!!!!

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Sounds like this woman wants nothing to do with you, at least on a romantic or emotional level. I can't explain what happened at the party... sometimes when people are upset, they do things that they wouldn't have done under normal circumstances. You already said that you were upset because of your friend's death, it's posible that this other woman was having problems with her boyfriend, or elsewhere in her life, and both of you needed someone at that particular moment.


But for whatever reason, it sounds as though she no longer needs you. I would advise you to move on--she's not treating you kindly or even humanely--by leading you on she is being cruel on an emotional level. On top of that, she's your brother's ex. That is just ASKING for an awkward situation.


Look at the bright side--through this encounter, you've discovered that you're attracted to women. Now you've got twice as many possible partnerrs to search through before finding one who will treat you a lot better than this woman ever intended to do. But I honestly think it's better to break all relations with her and search out your own happiness.. not a fruitless chase.


Oh yes, one more thing--you should know, women like it when a potential partner plays hard to get. Throwing yourself at ANYONE will not produce the desired result. Good luck! ^_^



one of my brothers ex- girlfriend passionately kissed me one night at a party. there was drinking, but neither of us was drunk when it happened. i knew she liked me because she would always heavily flirt with me. i never payed attention to her because i never was into the female/female thing.later that night after she kissed me, me and my brother got into a physical fight.the fight was over something else. my brother knows nothing about me and his ex. after that was over she sat next to me and broke me down emotionally by the way she kept saying that i had alot of pain inside that i was holding in and not admitting to. a few months prior to that i had a very close friend of mine get shot and killed. the pain from that was something i never really dealt with and nobody really held me or anything because i made it seem like everything was O.K. that night though, after the fight, she came up to me and held me so tight. i tried to pull away so i wouldnt break down, but when i did, she just held me tighter and i just broke down into tears. i felt as if she had taken a weight off my shoulders. after that when everybody went into the other rooms and and outside we were all over each other, i pulled back and told her this dont feel right,because i got scared. she got mad.she told me if i want to "be" with her i got to be sure. i am sure now, i feel like im falling in love with her. she wont come see me, shes always too busy, or shes in bed with her boyfriend. she hasnt made any type of verbal sexual advances to me on the phone at all. i stopped and noticed that i was making all the advances and chasing her. how did that happen?i never had to chase anybody in my life.i sent her a $60.00 box of roses, a poem and her favorite champane but remained anonamys, and she refused them. i called her up to tell her they were from me and she just said "how sweet". i got my money back from the flowers and stuff because she still never picked it up. i felt like a fool. i gave blood for the first time in my life to afford the cost of all that. i never told her that. one day she finally called me on her own and it was to borrow $50.00! she kept sayin" you said you wanted to do something for me, i need you to be there when i need you, your one of the people i can only depend on. i cant believe she was trying to use me! i got mad at her on the phone, but called her back 3 days later to say i was sorry. she excepted. i told her that i got a new surburban SUV and she asked me to come over and see her. her boyfriend was there at the time too. i dont get it... i never went to see her. i cant stop thinking about her, i cant stop the aching, longing feeling in my heart for her. she pursued me at first, doing whatever to make me happy. know that i have given in, shes giving me mixed messages. she talks to me like a friend when i come on strong to her. when i figure she doesnt want me like that and start treating her like a friend, she starts coming on to me.she said for me to come to her when i was "ready", i am , how come she isn't or is she? shes 26 and im 21. somebody anybody, please help me,please!!!!!
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Well just because she'd seen or maybe knew you were hurt and provided a way to comfort you doesn't mean she's the one for you. Now the purpose on why she did it no one would ever know but her and god but the thing is are you gay? Anyone who can " read u s, oe pay attention to us if we hadn't had of course we want to pay them back , but with your mind. Is anyone worth the pain and suffering. Because anyone who has your mind has you on a leash. Example You went to donate your blood to give her something that she knew came from you and turn it down . What I mean by that is you gave blood . You don't even love her. why are you giving blood. That my darling is what you call game!!!! And she has it . That is why when you give up on her she comes crawling back. One the challenge, and 2 the auhority. Because once they got they got and you know excatly what i'm talking about . The best thing that I can say to you is one leave it alone . How are you going to date someone you brother dated. Number one rule You never do that. And two were you sitting alone at this party. Vunerable. Do you love yourself enough to not hurt you. Because literally she's really not doing to much , because a person can only do what you allow them to do. So stop hurting yourself.


Peace Tammy

one of my brothers ex- girlfriend passionately kissed me one night at a party. there was drinking, but neither of us was drunk when it happened. i knew she liked me because she would always heavily flirt with me. i never payed attention to her because i never was into the female/female thing.later that night after she kissed me, me and my brother got into a physical fight.the fight was over something else. my brother knows nothing about me and his ex. after that was over she sat next to me and broke me down emotionally by the way she kept saying that i had alot of pain inside that i was holding in and not admitting to. a few months prior to that i had a very close friend of mine get shot and killed. the pain from that was something i never really dealt with and nobody really held me or anything because i made it seem like everything was O.K. that night though, after the fight, she came up to me and held me so tight. i tried to pull away so i wouldnt break down, but when i did, she just held me tighter and i just broke down into tears. i felt as if she had taken a weight off my shoulders. after that when everybody went into the other rooms and and outside we were all over each other, i pulled back and told her this dont feel right,because i got scared. she got mad.she told me if i want to "be" with her i got to be sure. i am sure now, i feel like im falling in love with her. she wont come see me, shes always too busy, or shes in bed with her boyfriend. she hasnt made any type of verbal sexual advances to me on the phone at all. i stopped and noticed that i was making all the advances and chasing her. how did that happen?i never had to chase anybody in my life.i sent her a $60.00 box of roses, a poem and her favorite champane but remained anonamys, and she refused them. i called her up to tell her they were from me and she just said "how sweet". i got my money back from the flowers and stuff because she still never picked it up. i felt like a fool. i gave blood for the first time in my life to afford the cost of all that. i never told her that. one day she finally called me on her own and it was to borrow $50.00! she kept sayin" you said you wanted to do something for me, i need you to be there when i need you, your one of the people i can only depend on. i cant believe she was trying to use me! i got mad at her on the phone, but called her back 3 days later to say i was sorry. she excepted. i told her that i got a new surburban SUV and she asked me to come over and see her. her boyfriend was there at the time too. i dont get it... i never went to see her. i cant stop thinking about her, i cant stop the aching, longing feeling in my heart for her. she pursued me at first, doing whatever to make me happy. know that i have given in, shes giving me mixed messages. she talks to me like a friend when i come on strong to her. when i figure she doesnt want me like that and start treating her like a friend, she starts coming on to me.she said for me to come to her when i was "ready", i am , how come she isn't or is she? shes 26 and im 21. somebody anybody, please help me,please!!!!!
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