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Continuation of friends but.......

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Well, I didn't email her Tony after I unsent the other email. She just called and asked me if I was going and if I understood why she didn't want me to go. I simply said yes and nothing more. She said "Well, alright, do you understand why I said that?". I said, "Yeah". I was really short and didn't say much. She just said that she was just calling to make sure since I didn't reply to her email. I wish she would stop calling!!


She could have simply emailed me again, that would have been alot better than calling. That is what she always does though, she calls. I wish that she would just stop calling at all for anything unless it is about getting back together.



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ever heard of blocking phone numbers? And if you don't do that, why not tell her the next time she calls you don't want to talk anymore. Or shun her off by saying you're busy all the time and you don't have time to talk to her. Just a suggestion.

Well, I didn't email her Tony after I unsent the other email. She just called and asked me if I was going and if I understood why she didn't want me to go. I simply said yes and nothing more. She said "Well, alright, do you understand why I said that?". I said, "Yeah". I was really short and didn't say much. She just said that she was just calling to make sure since I didn't reply to her email. I wish she would stop calling!! She could have simply emailed me again, that would have been alot better than calling. That is what she always does though, she calls. I wish that she would just stop calling at all for anything unless it is about getting back together. Adam
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It won't do you much good to tell me you wish she wouldn't call anymore. I think you ought to tell her next time. And why, at this point, would you want to get back together with her. She has clearly shown you how unstable she is...and how mean she can be.


By the way, have you possibly considered the fact that she doesn't want you going to the art show because she may be having another guy there with her? Why else would she call to confirm you weren't going to be there. That was pretty lame.


You might just cure yourself real fast of thinking about her if you sneak over to the show and grab a look at her booth from far away. Don't you dare let her see you there if you do go.

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I don't know about the guy. That may be the case, I don't know, but she did call to confirm that I wasn't going to be there. I thought the same Tony. I am getting ready to go to work now so even if I wanted to go see her booth then I couldn't. She can go do whatever she wants now and I am going to be mature enough not to call her again unless for some drastic measures. She is going to have to call me because I have tried and tried and tried again and it has not helped at all.


Cya later Tracy and have a great life without the one that has loved you from the start and would do anything for you! That is what I wish I could tell her, but that is only the beginning. :)



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