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dealing with aggresive behaviour


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I m having problem and Im not sure what to do. I have been with my partner for 5 years but separated 7 months. 2 Children, 2yrs and 4 yrs


We brought land on a community he built the house whilst I had children and kept house. I moved out with the kids to rent a house on the same community. Well I liked it there I have a lot of friends on the community. I had to move out because he was abusing me with constant critisism he suffers from depression and it was too hard to deal with his moods and dis satisfaction with everything. He blames everything on me and will not accept any responsibility for our break up. My question is should I force him legally to take responsibility for his actions. Over a month ago he threatened me and took my 2yr old for a week and would not let me have him back. This has made my son clingy an insecure. He says he is going to fight me for custody of the children even though he admits he cant cope? . He only gave me back my son is because he cannot cope with looking after children . He suffers from a manic depressive dis order and has highs and lows. He had tried suicide and threaten to chop me up with an axe. I m frightened of his need to make me suffer, he came up in the night and stole my car took it away and PUT AN AXE to it. I had to move out. I have had to get together another car. My car a right off. I asked him if he would like to pay me back at $50 a week as I thought he was remorseful. He refused.!! I have not reported this to the police so he was not charged, SHOULD I? I have not received anything from him, SHOULD I MAKE HIM PAY? I have not been for custody over the children, SHOULD I GO TO COURT FOR CUSTIDY or defend myself in his? My mother whom I am currently seeking refuge with has taken out an avo against him. He is still threatening me. He has just got a loan and brought himself a car. What should I do. He wont go to mediation and I did not want to bring in police and courts. Thanks for listening can you advise me what I can do. I have no money I'm living off a pension.

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get away from him now! as fast as you can! and as far as you can! get a restraining order, refuse contact with him for your own sake!


do you know how many times these things end up in tragedy? if he wont take meds, he will never be remorseful and if he is it wont be sincere or from the heart.


i have been with guys like this, they don't change until something tragic happens for them to change and maybe not even then or not for him cause of his manic depression.


why wont he take meds? can you have him committed for being a danger to you and the society? if so do it now!


i hope for your sake, that you stay away from this psycho even if he is the father of the kids, they use that excuse all the time to get to you, don't fall for it, ever! it may be the last time someone sees you alive.


i'm not trying to scare tho i should cause this is a very dangerous situation! you have every reason to believe what he is telling you, with the threats and all, even if a part of you don't believe him, the other part of you does and listen to that part of you and get away from him!


good luck!

Hi I m having problem and Im not sure what to do. I have been with my partner for 5 years but separated 7 months. 2 Children, 2yrs and 4 yrs


We brought land on a community he built the house whilst I had children and kept house. I moved out with the kids to rent a house on the same community. Well I liked it there I have a lot of friends on the community. I had to move out because he was abusing me with constant critisism he suffers from depression and it was too hard to deal with his moods and dis satisfaction with everything. He blames everything on me and will not accept any responsibility for our break up. My question is should I force him legally to take responsibility for his actions. Over a month ago he threatened me and took my 2yr old for a week and would not let me have him back. This has made my son clingy an insecure. He says he is going to fight me for custody of the children even though he admits he cant cope? . He only gave me back my son is because he cannot cope with looking after children . He suffers from a manic depressive dis order and has highs and lows. He had tried suicide and threaten to chop me up with an axe. I m frightened of his need to make me suffer, he came up in the night and stole my car took it away and PUT AN AXE to it. I had to move out. I have had to get together another car. My car a right off. I asked him if he would like to pay me back at $50 a week as I thought he was remorseful. He refused.!! I have not reported this to the police so he was not charged, SHOULD I? I have not received anything from him, SHOULD I MAKE HIM PAY? I have not been for custody over the children, SHOULD I GO TO COURT FOR CUSTIDY or defend myself in his? My mother whom I am currently seeking refuge with has taken out an avo against him. He is still threatening me. He has just got a loan and brought himself a car. What should I do. He wont go to mediation and I did not want to bring in police and courts. Thanks for listening can you advise me what I can do. I have no money I'm living off a pension.

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This man is crazy and a very serious threat to you. You bet you should involve the police. However, make a report on a weekday when lawmen can give it maximum attention and send social workers to see you.


Be sure you let police know every detail of every event. Before you call them, get a pen and pad and make notes of exactly what he did that was illegal, from threatening you to kidnapping your son to chopping up your car. Put down times, dates and all other details.


Let the police know you fear for your life. They will have patrol cars check the neighborhood on a regular basis and they will respond much quicker to your home if you call them. Also, ask them how you can best protect yourself and your children from this guy.


He obviously has serious mental problems. Social workers may determine that the courts should put him away as being a threat to himself and others.


You don't need to live this way. You were not put on this planet to suffer at the hand of some mad maniac.


And don't worry, he will never get your kids...I promise you. Just call the police on Monday morning...unless you feel you need to do so earlier. If it makes you feel safer, call them sooner. But do get help SOON.

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