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Am I just being selfish? I jst dnt wnt 2 hurt him!

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Hey everyone, Im new on here but just thot id come on 2 get a bit of advice on a situation thatz drivin me up the wall !!


I've known this guy for about 3 years, at first we were friends then became more but he broke up wiv me after about 3 months but he begged me back & i took him back. Anyway this happend about 3 times, him ending it then runnin back 2 me and i was takin him back @ the drop of a hat.


Anyway while not bein wiv him i was in a few other relationshps which i was really happy in and really liked the person i was with. And what that made me realise was that it wasn't only him that could make me happy & the feelins i had for some of these other guys were a lot stronger than the feelinz i had for him.


But anyway my last relationshp ended on very bad terms & my ex is always there for me hez always bn like my best friend, but thatz the problem, now i've changed n friendz is all i want us 2 b but thatz not what he wants. So I've done sumthn very stupid, i've given in 2 him and sed i'll b with him n now i feel so guilty coz my heart iznt in it. I dont love him, he tells me he loves me all the time, but the feelinz just aren't there 4 me anymore. Im so scared 2 end it though coz i can see it in his eyes how much he adores me n he wud b lost wivout me! i just feel so guilty, i wish i cud like him back the way he likes me but i just cant.


Itz such a dilema for me tho because I need him in my life, hez my best friend n no1 understand me or knowz me like he does but i know if i tell him how i feel thngs will nvr b the same and i'll loose my best friendn he'll lose the love of his life !! I know I cant continue to lead him on and letting him think i feel the same way he does but itz gonna be so hard 2 hurt my best friend the way im gonna have to!


Can anyone give me any advice about the way 2 go about tellin him and how 2 make it a bit easier on him and me?


I'll appreciate any replies, thanx


Emz xXx

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Tell him you love him like a friend and he's important in your life.. but you're not IN love with him.


It's going to hurt no matter how you do it.. but it would hurt him a lot more for you to continue to allow him to believe you feel something you don't.. eventually it will end badly.

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I'm gonna go with Merin again, word for word.


The longer you wait the harder it will be, if he is a good friend he still will be after you break the news to him.

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