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Wife doesn't spend enough time with me or kids

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She should be spending more time with her family, true.


But, just because she works an office job, does not mean she is not tired at the end of the day. I work a desk job and some days, all I want to do is eat dinner and go to sleep at the end of my shift.


I wonder if she is depressed or has a health issue.

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The others have given you lots of great advice. :)


One point of your post does stand out at me, though. You mention that you're playing with the kids, etc, and when she gets home she 'doesn't join you'. That means she gets home consistently later than you? What time does she get home, or how many hours does she work in a week? Even if work isn't physical, it can be tiring, especially if she's doing long hours or has a long commute.


Or is it possible that he's a SAHD? If so, I can see where the roles have reversed, and she is acting somewhat like the father who expects that mom has done all the care, nurturing and entertaining of the kids during the day, and he just wants his recliner, newspaper, and a beer (wait, that was my dad. Don't take it the wrong way guys! And yes, I obediently brought him that beer. ;))

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Everyone's given you great advice - I really hope you guys can work this out.


I sort of zoomed in on the bit about a terminally ill parent though. That's a huge huge emotional burden - when thinking about possible sources of depression for her, it certainly seems like a big one! Is she getting any support (professional) for dealing with this? Does she have siblings that are taking on any of that responsibility? Having an ailing parent calls up so many things - not just physical demands, or time demands, but emotional demands and private mourning and then of course potential emotional crises where she might be thinking about death and illness and the future in dark ways of her own. There's so much that could be going on there, too - just wanted to bring that bit back out into the discussion.

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