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The BIGGEST QUESTION ??? How can friends become lovers


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I have a friend she is the world to me. When we were both 25 years old we loved each other and never told one another. I got married and she got into a common law relationship that was very abusive. She also lost everything except her child that she in court over but will win. She lost her job and self esteem. I on the other hand did well good career. My wife told me three years ago that this girl i was in love with she played me against her so i would marry her. I didn't like that. from this point onwards our marriage was doomed. I found out one year after being married this friend of mine was is love with me and we both were afraid to tell each other.


Now i am devoiced and she is single again too. The problem is she has too much on her plate. I have tried to help but she blames me for alot of her issues. I do take note that she been though a lot and i do still love her. She not ready for a relationship as she too busy rebuilding a career and taking care of legal matters and her daughter.


I try to show her i love her but she says it is too overwhelming and needs space. SHe wants to build a friendship and get back on her feet. Today we met for coffee and planned out a path that we could work toghter in my business and help each other get back on our feet. She admitted we are not the same happy people we were 10 years ago. But i still feel the same. SHe also said once she can rebuild her self get back on her feet then who knows what can happened. She wants just to be friends now and separate work and pleasure. I feel if i can help her make money with me then maybe we can grow together. I am confused i still love her so much. Does she feel the same for me and just needs time to catch up 10 years of friendship. I have never been intimate with her yet. We are both 37 now and i want her more than ever. How long will it take and what can i do.


She is willing to be friends and develop that but she been though alot so have i.

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Basically the only thing you can do at this point is be patient. You really have no guarantees that she is going to be able to fall in love with you, but if you feel it's worth taking a chance then I'd say stick around and be her friend.

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