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Movin' In...

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Sooo- I've been in a relationship for 2 years- this past year being long distance. I just moved in with my bf, and have never lived with a significant other before. I pretty worried and would like some advice................

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Be courteous the way you should with anyone you live with..

Don't naggggggggg.. did I say don't nag? :laugh:


Living with someone takes adjustments and compromise on BOTH parts.. it seems you've given this a lot of thought so I'm not at all worried about you, you'll do fine;)

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Have you come to an accord regarding the toilet seat?




Thats so funny you say that.... this past week when I went to visit my bf at school I had to spend a week living with him in his apartment. Well one morning we are getting ready and Im making the bed and he goes..

"Babe don't get mad but can you please squish the toothpaste from the bottom of the tube and not the middle?"




I was laughing so hard inside but I said OK babe.


Then when I went in the bathroom just to mess with him I came out and said

"Babe don't get mad but can you put the toilet seat down when you are finished?"


He explained he didnt understand why and so I had fun sitting on the toilet showing him the difference of toilet seat up and and toilet seat down.. lol

We laughed and then he said " we could so live together"....


But I have an LDR too and one day we are going to live together (if all goes well ) and I'm sure as long as you have open communication and you really listen to eachother you should be fine.


And have fun!

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My boyfriend grew up in a house full of women so the toilet seat isn't an issue (as of yet). The toothpaste however...I'm the one reminding him to squeeze from the bottom up....which is not a problem anymore since I switched to the Colgate 2-n-1 which comes in a bottle :)


But then, we don't quite live together yet. I go home in the mornings to shower as we both have to be at work at the same time and spend as much time cuddling in the morning as possible....plus someone's gotta feed the stupid fish in the 55 gallon tank.


We're supposed to be gettin a place at the end of the month. Honestly, I'm quite worried about it. I've never lived w/ anyone other than family, and have always had my own bathroom....this is going to be one rude awakining I'm afraid.

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which is not a problem anymore since I switched to the Colgate 2-n-1 which comes in a bottle


OMG you just gave me THE cutest little stocking stuffer idea for him!!! Thank you... lol :)

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Ok-- I've lived with alot of guys before, so the toilet and toothpaste thing are a non- issue- I can handle that....

but what about the little hairs all-over when they shave? Or getting some "me-time" without hurting his feelings?

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...or pubes on the toilet. :sick: Ick!!! What's so hard about just blowing them away?!


But my brother is hard to beat. He blows his nose on the mirror. Grrrreat.

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EGADS! Blows his nose on the mirror?! Men and woman are truelly opposite, I would never even think about doing something like that...ew!

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EGADS! Blows his nose on the mirror?! Men and woman are truelly opposite, I would never even think about doing something like that...ew!

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Originally posted by Austin

I would never even think about doing something like that...


Neither would I.

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Originally posted by Austin

but what about the little hairs all-over when they shave?


I believe it's reasonable for him to wipe off the sink & vanity when he's finished. I use an electric, & when I'm finished I brush out the shavings in the wastebasket.


Or getting some "me-time" without hurting his feelings?


A very helpful step would be allowing him to have his "me-time" when he wants it.

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Originally posted by Lil Honey

The toilet seat and lid go down by everyone so nothing falls in . . . not buts . . . no pun intended.


That is a very good idea.


We formed that habit several years ago, after one of our cats fell in. She was sitting on the seat, reached down with her paw to touch the water, lost her balance, and SPLASH!


She did not learn any lesson from that, however.

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I DO give him his personal time...he can have as much of it when he wants! But he gets upset(sometimes) when I want to do my own thing. He's not jealous or anything, but I think he's pretty selfish. It seems he wants me to stop what I'm doing and pay attention to him, when I don't ask that he do that for me....

I look at relationships as 50/50 or atleast 60/40- with the 60 changing(constantly) between us. So is it so unfair to expect him to give me my space like I do in return?

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Originally posted by Austin


I DO give him his personal time...he can have as much of it when he wants! But he gets upset(sometimes) when I want to do my own thing. He's not jealous or anything, but I think he's pretty selfish. It seems he wants me to stop what I'm doing and pay attention to him, when I don't ask that he do that for me....

I look at relationships as 50/50 or atleast 60/40- with the 60 changing(constantly) between us. So is it so unfair to expect him to give me my space like I do in return?


I'm sorry. I was writing in more general terms.


You're right, the 60/40 is in continual motion. Personally, I've learned by experience that there is not always a benefit in closely keeping score, & I proceed under the assumption that eventually things even out.


If you do give him his "me-time" whenever he wants, it is certainly reasonable for you to expect likewise from him, & you would need to communicate that to him, of course. If you have, then perhaps there are some communications issues, or you would need to be more firm about things.

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Perhaps he is just testing me on my limits. This is his longest relationship ever, so I'm trying to remember what I did.... and also repeating many time: "patience is a virtue"

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Originally posted by Austin

Perhaps he is just testing me on my limits. This is his longest relationship ever, so I'm trying to remember what I did.... and also repeating many time: "patience is a virtue"


Another factor to consider is the fact that you are together again after a LDR of a year, not to mention this being the first time you have lived under such arrangements. There are undoubedly readjustments that you both need to make.


It's helpful to remember how much you love each other, & why you have a love relationship in the first place.

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