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Does she still want me?

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I need some outside perspective. Me and my girlfriend have been together for two years now, and the relationship was absolutely amazing for the first few months. We had sex several times a day, before work, during our lunch hour, and then at the end of the day, we always had time for each other. And she was so thoughtful and spoiled me to death. It was the best relationship i have ever had! About the 6-8 month mark it seemed like the new started to wear off (and I expected it to) but she started making comments that she had gained some weight and didnt feel very confident about herself. As time has gone on, this has caused a big insecurity with me, becuase the more she pulls back in the relationship, the harder I try to hold onto the love we once had, to the point that it drives me crazy. I have no reason not to trust her as she has always been very honest with me and assures me that she is going through something and she doesnt feel sexy anmore, so she doesnt have any interest in having sex. We still have sex, and its amazing for me and i work very hard to make it just as amazing for her. We have had some pretty bad fights and we are currently living apart, and now we dont really see each other all that much, and i get so angry that she doesnt make more of an effort to be with me. Am i trying to hard to hold on to what used to be? I know I still love her, because she is all i think about, and i know she loves me, because she texts me several times a day to see what im doing. Maybe someone can make sense of this and help me decide whether I am trying too hard and i need to move on!! Thanks in advance!

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This is too vague. How exactly is your gf not making an effort? You cannot expect a relationship of two years to be like it was right at the beginning. How much do you guys currently meet and talk? Have you suggested to your gf to see a therapist for her self-image issues?

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