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Intense pressure and she won't let it go

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I've posted alot in the breakup forum but this is a whole different situation. I hope I'm posting in the right section.


Long story short, I went thru a pretty devastating breakup in Feb. of this year. A couple of months later I became friends with a acquaintance on FB. We chatted and texted quite a bit. She was good for venting and had good advice. She knew I was not into dating at that time as I was still reeling from the BU.


We ultimately got together for a few Beer's and one thing lead to another and I was doing something I really didn't want to do.


A Day or two later I told her that I felt horrible and didn't think we should go to that level anymore, but I was very happy to have her as a friend. We are not romantically compatible, physically compatible and I really did not enjoy the sex quite honestly. We talked extensively about this and she said she understood and was fine as long as we could stay friends.


I finally started to date normally again and was honest to her when I have a date. The problem is every time she freaks out. She sends me these long winded emails, gets angry with me via text and then a few hours later apologizes. This pattern happens over and over again. Today I find out she's mailing me some sort of gift and I asked her not too but she said she has too because it's cluttering up her desk.


She is very heavy into to guilt tripping me it seems and keeps pushing for more sex. She brings up FWB constantly and tells me time and time again that's what she want's from me. Unfortunately, I am not at all turned on by her and not interested in anything but friendship. She will not stop no matter what I tell her. I've told her she is pushing me away, I've deleted my FB page because of her comments and liking every little thing. It got to the point where mutual friends thought we were a couple. I asked her to lay off the FB stuff but she wouldn't do it. I think she likes the fact that people think we are an item.


After today's email, I'm almost at a point where I feel I need to either tell her we cannot be friends anymore if she doesn't stop pushing me or something else.


I really don't know how to handle this. It honestly sometimes feels like she is getting obsessive. It really freaks me out.


Sorry for the long post but I am really getting weird-ed out by how she acts.

Edited by seahawker64
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How long were you guys together?


Or... Well, your post is a little confusing. Is it your ex that has problems with you dating, or is the Facebook friend? (Is she good looking btw?)


Maybe the problem here is your honesty. Why tell her at all? It's none of her business really, and even though you're "friends" clearly she doesn't like to hear about your dating. Friends don't need to know about every aspect of your life.

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How long were you guys together?


Or... Well, your post is a little confusing. Is it your ex that has problems with you dating, or is the Facebook friend? (Is she good looking btw?)


Maybe the problem here is your honesty. Why tell her at all? It's none of her business really, and even though you're "friends" clearly she doesn't like to hear about your dating. Friends don't need to know about every aspect of your life.



Sorry bout that. She is my FB friend. The ex is long long gone..lol. Is she good looking..she's not bad looking but not really what I'm into. I'm into the girly girl and she's much more of the tomboy type woman. I could only see her as a friend.


She told me over and over that she wanted me to be completely honest with her about my dating. I also trusted her very much as friend. Now, I feel like I trusted too much and should have known better than to let her get too close with me.


I really do like her friendship but I do not want FWB or anything remotely romantic or intimate with her. Like I said I feel like I've never been pushed as hard by a Woman. She is relentless and overly aggressive. I'm bordering on completely cutting her out of my life, simply because not matter what I say she will not stop.

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Hmmm... She says she wants to be friends and want you to be honest. But alas, my good man, it sure sounds like she craves the cock. Your cock that is.


I don't think anything good can come out of a relationship like that, no?


I'd block her emails and texts and stay off Facebook for awhile.


You may or may not tell her first that you're cutting contact with her. It probably won't make much of a difference.


Maybe you could try to tell her that you have AIDS?

(I'm only half joking, LOL!)

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