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How can i tell if a girl is interested/attracted towards me during our internet chats

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How can i tell if a girl is interested/attracted towards me during our internet chats?


here's the short run down:

i was introduced to this attractive young lady awhile ago and life continued on..but then I see her again at a restaurant and we exchanged some looks and smiles(which by the way made me happy) while i was on my way out and I realized that I really had a genuine interest in getting to know her and maybe even more...but I just missed her..

so using my creative and ingenious thinking...yeah right..but i discovered her on the internet and recieved her chat name and started to talk to her..but can anyone tell me how ican tell if she has an interest in me thru this internet chatting? i intend to further this with trying to hang out with and trying to get her number but thats further down the road.. please help with any advice as well as any previous experience thank you

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How you tell is by asking her!


I must be really dumb, but I can't figure out why you'd ask a group of strangers to read this person's mind for you.


Why don't you ask her to meet you for coffee and see how it goes! Good relationships take time-- and I mean YEARS to develop. Having said that, you can pretty much know right off if it is yes or no whether it will go forward.

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People are scared to take chances. They want a group of strangers to give them 'surefire' signs to figure out if a particular person is interested, will get into a relationship enthusiastically, marry them, and have their kids.


It doesn't work like that. You have to go out on a limb and see what happens.

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