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What would you call a man who can't even sacrafice for him self let alone anyone else , a man who wants his cake and eat it too, a man who just can't get what life is all about , a man that has his prorities so screwed up it's sick. Are their psyco reasons for a man who takes everything for granted and is constantly doing things that jepordize his family and their well being, he thinks getting ahead in this world means stealing , cheating, and scamming . What about morals and ethics? How do I help him ?


When he says "YOU make what I want to do so wrong"?


Help ! I'm afraid what he does will come back and destroy our family

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You call him a psychopathic sociopath.


You don't help him. These are morals and ethics his mother should have taught him when she was raising him. You either have him committed to a mental institution or you have him arrested for his criminal actions. There is no statute of limitation on acts of fraud.


You didn't give a lot of details but he sounds like a very crazy person you need to do everything possible to keep OUT of your life!!!

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How do you get someone commited , he doesn't think he is crazy . He also fools alot of people, they think he is a nice guy , I don't know what to do I am the only one he tells this crazy ##### to , and I am a very good and moral person and find everything he does goes against my religious beliefs , i don't know how to get away from him


I am alone and have children and haven't been in the world for 10 years , I really have no clue how to be able to surport my self , if he is away what will happen to us ?

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You need to contact a social services worker in your area to get the paperwork going. There are programs to help support you while you are being trained for the workplace. There are also programs to provide support for your children while you do this.


You cannot be condemned to stay with a crazy person and be miserable for the rest of your life just because you need him for support.


As for having him committed, if he goes to the looney bin, you will still be in the same position and you must contact a social services worker. You can get their number from your local law enforcement agency, the United Way, any large church, or other charity.


Laws for having someone committed vary by state. Generally, two or more relatives must sign an affadavit attesting to a person's insanity to have them taken in for an evaluation. In some jurisdictions, a police officer can make a field determination that a person is mentally ill and take him to a local facility for evaluation. It works different ways in different jurisdictions.


If the person is found to be a threat to himself or others, then the courts will make a determination on how the case will be handled from that point.

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This guy sounds a lot like my father, I hate to say it.


I think you should get away from him. What exactly is he doing? My dad ruined both my mother's life and my life in many ways. I think you should divorce him before he does more damage to you and the children.

How do you get someone commited , he doesn't think he is crazy . He also fools alot of people, they think he is a nice guy , I don't know what to do I am the only one he tells this crazy ##### to , and I am a very good and moral person and find everything he does goes against my religious beliefs , i don't know how to get away from him


I am alone and have children and haven't been in the world for 10 years , I really have no clue how to be able to surport my self , if he is away what will happen to us ?

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