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time apart in new relationship

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hey guys, my boyfriend of just over 2 months has aplied for a job about 6 hrs away from where i/we live for the summer, it would probably be a month or more.

It would be good for him , it pays well and he is trying to save up.


My question is how do I


a) deal with the fact that he will be gone i will be lonely etc. I'm not woried about him cheating but worried about how hard it will be for me to not see him.


b) Can a relationship that is still newish survive that time apart unscathed. He seems to be of the attitude that it will all be ok, he doesn't seem to be worried about how hard it will actually be for me and him. I don't think he has really thought about it.


I don't want to break it off because the relationship is great nad he does need this job...... what should i do or how do i cope with him if he goes?

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You’re lucky in that the time-frame is not only finite, but relatively short.


When my wife & I first started dating, I was living & working about 90 miles away. Once I saw where the relationship was going, I began a job search in the area where she lived. Due to economic circumstances at the time, the job search was lengthier than I had originally hoped. It took approximately 10 months.


In the meantime, we talked on the phone, wrote each other sweet letters, sent cards, & tried to spend as much time together as possible. I put a lot of BF Goodrich on US Hwy 12, & was reaching oil change intervals about every 4-5 weeks, instead of the normal 2-3 months.


When the happy news finally came in the form of a job offer, I called Gina, saying “Tell the fat lady she’s on in 5!” The start date was in early December, & she said “Wow! You’ll be here for Christmas!” Moving Day greeted me with winter storm warnings & sub-zero wind chill factors, but that’s another story.


Next month will be 10 years that we’ve been together, May will be our 9th wedding anniversary.

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I started to date this guy and he explained that sometimes he gets call for work and it may be long distance there fore we would not see eachother that much, Low and behold he got a call for out of town work 3 days after we got together, Not to say that it was/is eazy but it is so doable. the first time he left I was shocked, a call and he was gone 10 minutes later to pack. but i liked the time for me, letting me know that it is ok to take it slow, now 2 years later (many rough roads) I am about to be reunited with him again after 5 months.


bottem line is, if the pay is good and he wants it do not try and stop it. If you know yourself well enough to know that you'll be safe (no cheating) it is a great time to sit back and let it go slow, he will so miss you and you will so miss him, but all in all it a great feeling knowing the day they will be home and you can cuddle again.


P/S this time I am going ot work with him, no more 1 2 3 4 5 months away from eachother!!! I miss him to much.


good luck!

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Originally posted by kimberbimber

P/S this time I am going ot work with him, no more 1 2 3 4 5 months away from eachother!!! I miss him to much.


That's great that you can go with him this time! Enjoy the trip & the time together!

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& was reaching oil change intervals about every 4-5 weeks, instead of the normal 2-3 months.


AHAHAh you sound just like my bf. And hes had his tires rotated and hes told me a hundred times. lol


My bf goes to school 6 hours away and we are doing it just fine. Just like Scott said, E-mials, phone calls, sweet letters. Whatever you can do.

I was with my bf 3 months only before he had to leave and now we are reaching 8 on the 13th :) Yay!

So it is doable you just have to take the risk.


The way I see it is, I was kind of glad he left so early in the relationship. Because when the relationship is new that person is always on your mind, you excited, its an awesome feeling but it can wear out after a while. Once you see that person everyday (unless its true love lol ;)) and well since he left early into our relationship he missed me soo much. We couldn't wait to see eachother again each time. Poor thing he has already driven down about 9 times ( 6 hour drive back and fourth) in the period of 4 months lol :)


You can do it!! :)

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