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Does he want me back?

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HI All,

A guy who I liked very much ended a very brief relationship with myself and now several months later I feel he might like me again.


How do you know if someone wants a second chance?


What are the signs?


How do I differentiate between him just being nice to me or interested still?


I'm waiting to see if he'll talk to me about it but I'm not sure he will (after all he was the one who called it off).

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I can tell you what I do when I am interested in a girl. You said it was a brief relationship so I was thinking it wouldn't be too different than someone new.


When I like a girl I try to find ways to directly or indirectly see them or talk to them. I don't know how you two keep in contact, but is he finding ways to bump into you or call you on the phone yet?


Do you know any of his friends? It may sound like high school, but just putting something out there like. "I really liked Mr X, how is he doing?" will probably get back to him and it doesn't even say you are interested in him now.


If you still keep in contact a lot, he may have increased the frequency of contact or the timing. When I am interested in a girl I liked to call in the evening when there is a chance to talk more.


I have no idea how you were when you were together, but if he knows you liked him a lot he should have enough confidence to approach you directly. It wasn't a bad break up was it? If so he could think you would be hesitant to let him try again.

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If someone wants a second chance, and I mean *really* wants it - they'll call you or contact you in some way and say it clearly so that there is no mistaking it. No games, no guessing - they'll say "I"m sorry for what happened, but I really do hope you'll give me another chance".


He'll put as much effort into it as he is emotionally invested in it.

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