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People telling me I'm too skinny

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Lately people have been telling me I'm too thin. It's really irritating. Some of these people are overweight. I am completely within the normal weight range for my height. One of the comments was something like "well look at you compared to me, you are so much smaller, you shouldn't be concerned about your weight". So I'm supposed to not worry about what I look like because I'm thin in comparison to someone who is overweight?


Anyone else have this problem?

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Male or female? If you're a female they're probably jealous. If you're a male then I don't know.....strange for a male to tell another male he's "too skinny".

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I get this pretty frequently.


I have low body fat but am actually pretty muscular. But because I'm tall I look pretty thin.



People will hug me and pick me up, spin me around, say "oh sh**, you're so little, you're so baby"



Or at work, I have a lot of physically demanding things I have to do. I am more than capable, but people who don't know me freak out a bit the first time they see me lifting heavy things. I mount 60 inch plasma tv's without issues, but a man got uppity last night and demanded that I call a man over to take care of it for me, that I was far too small and skinny to do it myself.




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and funnily enough, the man I called over works out with me at the gym... we had quite the laughing fit after the fact recalling how I can lift nearly as much as he can.



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"well look at you compared to me, you are so much smaller, you shouldn't be concerned about your weight". So I'm supposed to not worry about what I look like because I'm thin in comparison to someone who is overweight?


Maybe you should just be more aware of how your comments affect others around you- that's all.


Doesn't mean you should change how you feel- just learn to pick and choose where and when your lamenting is appropriate, and when it might burn someone else's butt.


Common sense, no? The best place to vent is to find common ground.

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Completely out of the blue...? Or was there a preceding discussion? If you are going to complain about your weight against someone who is obviously overweight then what are you expecting?

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I get it all the time. It drives me up the wall.


My favourite is the assertion that if you're thin, you obviously don't eat. Man, if these people could see me with a slice of cheese pizza.


I've always been very small naturally (I am 5'8 and around 110lbs), without paying any special attention to my diet or exercise. I've always eaten what I want, when I want (within reason), and have only recently gotten really into exercise. But I've been the size I am now pretty much my whole adult life.


The most irritating thing to me is that it's socially acceptable to pick on thin women for being thin. I follow some of my favourite stores/clothing brands on Facebook, and any time they post a photo of a model wearing a new item, people are all over it with the downright nasty comments. "She's so skinny it's not even attractive. She looks sick." "She doesn't even have an A-cup. Who even wants to look like that?" "She needs to eat something, she looks disgusting." However, if I were to post a comment on a picture of a plus size model saying "She's disgusting; she should put down the doughnuts and go for a jog," I'd be publicly executed.


Then there's the assertion that "that can't possibly be healthy." Now, I'm not claiming there aren't thin women out there who have eating disorders, but considering the large majority of fashion models are under 21, there's a good chance that many of them have the same genetic predisposition to being thin that I have always had - and I have never starved myself or anywhere close. My bloodwork is great, and my doctor says I'm extremely healthy. Good thing I have all those strangers out there to inform me that I'm actually unhealthy.


It's ludicrous. Don't let it get to you.

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In my culture "Thin" is not in. So I have to hear my aunts and cousins talk about how skinny I am when I do see them. As if it's such a bad thing. My mother s very thin also. All her life she would try to gain weight cause she wasn't "sexy" enough.


I realize people are at set body weights. So I do not let this bother me since I live in another state and the family I have in the U.S. I do not see often anyway.


When people around say it, I get it to mean "You are not taking care of yourself", which is wrong. I eat well, take vitamins, drinks lots of water. My weight refuses to budge beyond 5lbs up or down. I am also 5'8"-5'9" ish so the height causes it.


I am still quite curvy though,with boobs and butt. In fact I had breast reduced in my late teens because girls in school would make fun I looked like a toothpick with olives sideways.:mad: hated gym class and track! I do not care about people's weight since it is not my business, but people seem to care about mine.

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It's just something fat people say to justify their fatness.


They rationalize that if a normal person is "too skinny", then their fat ass must be normal.

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Lately people have been telling me I'm too thin. It's really irritating. Some of these people are overweight. I am completely within the normal weight range for my height. One of the comments was something like "well look at you compared to me, you are so much smaller, you shouldn't be concerned about your weight". So I'm supposed to not worry about what I look like because I'm thin in comparison to someone who is overweight?


Anyone else have this problem?



Dude- do you even lift?





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Yes, I am a woman. And I'm not trying to be skinny, just healthy. I've always loved working out and strength training but since I got sick I can't do nearly as much as before.


Completely out of the blue...? Or was there a preceding discussion? If you are going to complain about your weight against someone who is obviously overweight then what are you expecting?


Actually yes, completely out of the blue. Repeatedly. Even after I said before that I don't think that I am too skinny and am fine with my weight. It's been mostly family members. I don't go around talking about my body around people who are overweight, for obvious reasons.


It's really starting to upset me because I have not asked their opinions on my weight and it's making me feel bad about myself.

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Yes, I am a woman. And I'm not trying to be skinny, just healthy. I've always loved working out and strength training but since I got sick I can't do nearly as much as before.




Actually yes, completely out of the blue. Repeatedly. Even after I said before that I don't think that I am too skinny and am fine with my weight. It's been mostly family members. I don't go around talking about my body around people who are overweight, for obvious reasons.


It's really starting to upset me because I have not asked their opinions on my weight and it's making me feel bad about myself.


Tell them "I didn't ask for your opinion"!!!

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It's been mostly family members. I don't go around talking about my body around people who are overweight, for obvious reasons.

Since it's your family, just speak your mind. Tell them you worry about their health because they are overweight. You want them to be around a long time but if they keep eating as much as they do, they will die young. If they keep bugging you, tell them you will accompany them to the doctor and let him tell you all who is healthy and who isn't.



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YActually yes, completely out of the blue. Repeatedly. Even after I said before that I don't think that I am too skinny and am fine with my weight. It's been mostly family members. I don't go around talking about my body around people who are overweight, for obvious reasons.


It's really starting to upset me because I have not asked their opinions on my weight and it's making me feel bad about myself.


Tell them to piss off :)

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Well some of these people are close to me so I can't really say anything rude to them. Well, I could, but I don't think it would get me the results I'm looking for.


I've just been telling them that I don't think that I need to gain any weight, and ignoring it as much as possible. I'm wondering now if maybe I do look awful since it's been more than one person saying it.


If they are saying it because they are insecure, I'm fine with that and can just ignore it.


If I really do look awful, there's nothing I can really do about it because gaining weight will only make my ass fat. I don't gain weight evenly so the parts of me that look really thin aren't going to change much unless I gain a ton of weight.

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So you are rude in defending yourself? Nope!


And you are making excuses for them being rude? Stop that!


It's rude - tell them it's rude.


Same rude if they criticized a fat person! It's judgmental - it's none of their business!

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It's rude - tell them it's rude.


Same rude if they criticized a fat person! It's judgmental - it's none of their business!


Ok, maybe I will try saying that in a diplomatic way. Although when I have said something about it, I heard " Well I'm just worried about you".


I'm not even close to being thin enough to cause me health problems so I can't imagine why someone would be worried about it. I don't know, I'm just going to have to defend myself better from now on.

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Yes, I am a woman. And I'm not trying to be skinny, just healthy. I've always loved working out and strength training but since I got sick I can't do nearly as much as before.




Actually yes, completely out of the blue. Repeatedly. Even after I said before that I don't think that I am too skinny and am fine with my weight. It's been mostly family members. I don't go around talking about my body around people who are overweight, for obvious reasons.


It's really starting to upset me because I have not asked their opinions on my weight and it's making me feel bad about myself.


If you are healthy, I wouldn't worry about it. If you've been sick though, and you've lost weight because of that, this is probably them just expressing their concern. It's alarming to see someone drop weight rapidly, especially if they don't have fat to spare.


For me, I have had a lot of friends with eating disorders. It is very common for women to be overly concerned about their weight in the US. I often hear women with very little body fat say "I need to lose 5-10 more lbs). To me this is an unhealthy mindset. Instead, they should concentrate on toning/honing what they have. They are at a healthy weight and should focus on getting stronger. Especially as women, that's so important to build bone density.


I am right on the upper edge of normal, but I've lost about 45-50 lbs (according to bmi, I was obese). I am not shooting for the weight I was at when I was skinny. I want to be 5-10 lbs heavier so I can keep my curves. Now that I'm within 10 lbs of my goal weight, I'm trying to focus more on strength.


Long and short of it, as long as you have a healthy body image and you are where you need to be, just tell them that. But don't complain about needing to lose 5 lbs.

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Some people are just tactless idiots, especially close family members. Showing concern about someones weight is different from calling someone too skinny. It's interesting how it's fine to call someone skinny, but calling someone fat is frowned upon.

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Ok, maybe I will try saying that in a diplomatic way. Although when I have said something about it, I heard " Well I'm just worried about you".


I'm not even close to being thin enough to cause me health problems so I can't imagine why someone would be worried about it. I don't know, I'm just going to have to defend myself better from now on.


Tell them that you're doctor is happy with you weight. And then change the subject.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand your point of view, but let me play a little bit of devil's advocat here...


My step sister has an eating disorder. She is THIN. I mean sickly thin. We can't have her committed, but if she ends up in hospital one day (she faints a lot, so it might happen), they won't let her out, she's so thin.


And we've given up on telling her she looks thin. Because every time she would just get pissy with us and say he was perfectly fine and her weight was completely normal.

I'm talking about someone who's about 5'7" and weighs probably less than 90lbs.


So yeah... in a way, I kinda understand where they're coming from. Sometimes people are just worried. Other times it is really just lack of things to do/envy.

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My girlfriend gets that all the time. She's 5'3 - 5'4 tall and weighs less than 90 pounds (I saw the scales!). She's very tiny. All of the people I know express their concern that she's so thin, or that I'm promoting anorexia somehow. It gets very annoying. I just try ignore it :mad

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