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My father has become a political nutjob.


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Over the past few years, my dad has become more and more obsessed with politics, social issues, and "the state of the nation" to the extent that it is the only thing he wants to talk about. He's a completely healthy, active, intelligent and accomplished 62-year-old, he runs his own business and has plenty of hobbies that have nothing to do with politics, yet he has become increasingly more aggressive about his views and his concerns about "where this country is headed." He watches/listens to the news for a few hours every day, and scours the Internet for articles that support his views, which he then emails to the entire extended family as well as his personal friends and acquaintances. Every time I call home to catch up with my parents, I know that my dad will get on the line and grill me about the latest news stories, the horror of whichever policy that has passed and he doesn't agree with, and his overall discontent with American politics at this point in time.


At first, I tried to engage in these discussions, but he would become so fervent and overwhelming- steamrolling anyone else who tries to speak, raising his voice to the point of yelling, even becoming insulting- that I quickly realized he doesn't want to "discuss," he just wants to LECTURE. I recently asked my mom about it, and she replied, "He's gone off the deep end with this political stuff. I refuse to talk about it with him anymore, I just walk out of the room if he tries to bring it up."


Sorry for the long explanation, but this is my question:

Should I try to tell him how uncomfortable and worried his obsession is making the rest of us?

Is this just something I (and everyone) should deal with, because my dad *is* such a wonderful and strong man and and he is entitled to his quirks in his later years?

Or.. worst of all.. is this a sign of some deeper problem, like Alzheimer's or another psychotic disorder? (Sidenote- this thought wouldn't even cross my mind, it's just that he's become more absorbed over time and that seems like it could be a symptom of something else... otherwise he is the same Dad I remember, his personality and intelligence are exactly the same.)


Thank you so much for your help.

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Or.. worst of all.. is this a sign of some deeper problem, like Alzheimer's


My father is much more rigid in his beliefs and vehement about them. He is 80 and seems to be developing some dementia. Your dad may be too young for this though.


or another psychotic disorder?


Possible. Has he ever had any issues with bipolar disorder? I know of a man who was exactly as your father and this was his problem.


It could also be depression.


(Sidenote- this thought wouldn't even cross my mind, it's just that he's become more absorbed over time and that seems like it could be a symptom of something else... otherwise he is the same Dad I remember, his personality and intelligence are exactly the same.)


If it is unusual and different, then you have a right to be concerned. You may want to ask his doctor or yours.


Thank you so much for your help.


Hope it gives you some direction. I am guessing that this is unusual and that is why you are concerned. Don't stop being concerned until you ahve gotten a professional answer.

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Try to make a joke about it. Like once he starts going on a rant, blurt out louder than him "NO ONE CARES!"


Or purposely mix up politicians with other politicians/actors or something. Like if he starts talking about someone be like "I don't like that guy cause he peed on a 14 year old girl once (R Kelly reference).


I dunno your dad so I dunno how he'd react to that but it'd definately get a reaction from my dad.

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Get over it. He's not old and damn good for him I say. This country IS in the toilet and your dad sees how this government has assured that the hopes and dreams he had for his family have been ripped away. You will have less than him and your children less than you.


More power to him.

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