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Do people come to LS to lie? and how much does it matter?

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my question is this...do people come here to lie about stuff and get their rocks off, simply for attention? is it a safe way to control (i.e. f*ck with) people and not get in trouble for it as you would in real life?


this is not the first time i have noticed indiscrepancies in past and present posts from the same person, but most are not all that acknowledgable. some are, such as saying in one post...


"i'm a horrible parent"


and then in another post

"i have no children"


more to the point, does it matter?


*please leave out names, so as to protect the possibly innocent and/or insane.


oh and the reason i posted this question in this forum is because it seems the majority of discrepancies occur regarding cheating, flirting, or jealousy...

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Originally posted by GirlDown

my question is this...do people come here to lie about stuff and get their rocks off, simply for attention? is it a safe way to control (i.e. f*ck with) people and not get in trouble for it as you would in real life?


more to the point, does it matter?


As I'm sure you're well aware GIRLDOWN, there are ALL types out there amongst our midst. Yes, some people are blatant liars in real life so what would prevent them from lying on a forum? It would be easier to lie on a computer and in actuality many people do.


See yesterday's post about meeting potential dates online and then meeting them in real life, most lied about something major, whether looks, weight, job, etc....


Americans as a whole are not honest people because honesty is not rewarded in the illustrious country.


Is it a safe way to control and f*** with people? YES


Does it matter? NO

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Girldown, I would imagine its a little of both. I think there are people who post here because they truly have problems or questions that they need advice on. Then there are probably some that do come on here just to make weird posts to get a rise out of people. Maybe they have to much time on their hands, who knows.

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i didn't read yesterday's post that you mentioned, but i definitely believe people would do that for the sake of dating...


for example, if i talked to someone online and they said "are you ugly?" i might say, "well i don't think i'm that bad, really" but in real life face to face, i might say "yes, without a doubt."


and no, honesty is not rewarded as much as it should be, but dishonesty is certainly recognized and explodes into everyone's business (unless of course, money or power is to be made by the secret kept)


but since, money and power are hardly achieved at LS, this isn't quite what i mean.

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Point is..I have not lied on this forum but I wil admit that I posted a question under a false alias and only because it was a little embarrassing and I didn't want everyone to know it was me...


But I agree with alphamale..people in real life lie all the time so whats to stop them from not lying on the internet?

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I am sure people lie on here, why would they not? People do it all the time in all places. If you feel they are lying just don't answer and let someone lese deal with it if they want to.

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Image is almost as important as power and money. Your internet image is one aspect a person can completely control. People can be anything they want to be. They can be honest, or only stretch the truth. Most people do it a little bit - if only to protect their identity. People can be completely false - post pictures that aren't them, pretend to be someone completely different. It could be an identity crisis of sorts. In real life you're ugly so you pretend to be beautiful online to experience what that kind of attention is like. In real life you're a jerk, so you pretend to be a victim. In real life you're passive, so online you become a bully. It's like that for a lot of people. But, some people surely take it even further because of some mental issues.


On a dating site people lie to get their foot in the door, probably. They hope that the person will look past their "bad" traits and see them for the person the want to be, rather than who they are. In reality people use mostly material things to cultivate their image - the shoes, the watch, the hair, the car, the house, the clothes. Here we aren't limited to physical things, so it might be tempting to take it a step further and alter the truth about who we really are and what we really do.


Personally, I'm not a good liar, and am not very creative, but I do probably act differently and leave out certain details online. I don't need to share everything, but if anyone was paying attention, they'd probably have a picture of me that is different from what I really am, face to face.

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I know people lie and yes it does matter. That means we are all wasting our time. After I read the post about the well known lying story it made me question the friends I have made on LS. I don't want to waste my time talking to fake people.

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I had two girlfriends who constantly lied. I figured out that that is their way to cope with life. One had online affair, for example, using someone else picture. She was in love, it gave her fantasies. She is a big liar in real life too.

The other one would make up stories all the time. I liked her and accepted her like she is. I knew she just need me to believe in all that stories and I tried to make her happy. The whole thing is very sad. I feel sorry for such people and think they need help more than anyone else.


Small lies are ok though. Like if we want to be anonymous we need to lie some. Now I think everyone who knows me knows that I post here. :o

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i don't see why people would lie on here, but 91% of people lie i am more honest here then in person because I feel everyone is accepted here.

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I really don't care who lies, as long as you guys continue to keep my bored ass entertained. And you guys are doing a great job, lying or not. I need all the stimuli I can get. I don't care what form it comes in.

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i didn't want it to be a EC/JA roast. mostly, because well w/e i don't care either. it just brought up a question.


maybe it does matter to the people who spend time to think of ways to help someone, or console them. or maybe like me, they don't give a s*hit. and can't be bothered with someone's drivel.


it's just a shame to waste everyone's time, whether it's you or anyone else. whoever "you" are supposed to be.


i would like to know other people's opinions.

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I once worked in the administration of a forum like this, and there was one incident that just blew me away. A guy - a very highly respected member of the community - had 2 aliases. And he would fight with himself. Get into huge flame wars - with himself. In once instance, a battle that lasted for an entire page of several paragraph long posts from each persona. It was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. He was otherwise pretty mature. He could never really explain why he did it, either. Stress and boredom... It was so weird the great lengths he went to - namecalling himself, point-by-point arguing. Wow. I guess you get into a certain "role" online and to express different parts of your personality you need a new alias because you've been typecast.

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Originally posted by magda

I once worked in the administration of a forum like this, and there was one incident that just blew me away. A guy - a very highly respected member of the community - had 2 aliases. And he would fight with himself. Get into huge flame wars - with himself. In once instance, a battle that lasted for an entire page of several paragraph long posts from each persona. It was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. He was otherwise pretty mature. He could never really explain why he did it, either. Stress and boredom... It was so weird the great lengths he went to - namecalling himself, point-by-point arguing. Wow.




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Originally posted by EtErNaLlYCoNfUsEd

Point is..I have not lied on this forum but I wil admit that I posted a question under a false alias and only because it was a little embarrassing and I didn't want everyone to know it was me...


Hell, I've done that. I don't want people being able to track down ALL of my dirt. If it's that serious, I'll post as a guest and ask a question. Then that way I get brutal, yet honest answers. :D

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I feel like Stone. I feel more accepted here in the forum than I do anywhere else. I have no reason to lie or make up anything. There is one thing that I said that some people took completley wrong. That was over our company, someone got the impression that I own D3 because I said I was a business owner. When in fact the business I own is a small welding shop, I just help run my brothers company, (D3).


When I say help, all I really do all day long is make sure all of our contracts renew, and sometime I do a little telemarketing. I also manage the office and the CAM software sales, training and implementation. It's a very boring job and I'd rather be up walking around.


I think most people do lie online. For whatever reasons is beyond me. I've found that trying to keep track of lies is too difficult for me, so I don't even attempt it. Mrs. Moose was posting on here a while back when someone accused her of being my alter ego.....so she just reads now and sometime tells me what I should post. (She also said that the person who accused her of that needs turned over a knee......and not just for that either! ) :laugh:

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Originally posted by Stone

i don't see why people would lie on here, but 91% of people lie i am more honest here then in person because I feel everyone is accepted here.


This goes for me too. I feel I can be open here and say things I cannot say in the real world. For the first time on here I accepted my phobia to other people (not including my bf). There are some people here that might lie, but it's not a life changing thin you know. I find that it would be more hard if my my dad or sister would lie to me than someone in a forum. We do build friendships on here and it's understandable that if it's someone you have become close to on here lies to you it can be a low blow, but if it's just some random person in a forum that you don't hold a friendship with, who cares?



Originally posted by magda

I once worked in the administration of a forum like this, and there was one incident that just blew me away. A guy - a very highly respected member of the community - had 2 aliases. And he would fight with himself. Get into huge flame wars - with himself. In once instance, a battle that lasted for an entire page of several paragraph long posts from each persona. It was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. He was otherwise pretty mature. He could never really explain why he did it, either. Stress and boredom... It was so weird the great lengths he went to - namecalling himself, point-by-point arguing. Wow. I guess you get into a certain "role" online and to express different parts of your personality you need a new alias because you've been typecast.



How did you find this out?

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But ANYWAYS..I said I was done with this and I am...back to the thread yes people lie some do it to keep anonymous, others just to lie. I know a friend of mine that lies all the time and

not about anything big just about little things.


She goes to McDonalds I ask her where she went she says taco bell? Why? I dont know but she feels this need to just lie all the time and sometimes she doesnt mean it and does naturally and she doesn't know why. She also exaggerates stories and like the other poster I sit there and hear them for her sake and pretend to believe all of it.

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good point, tiki...


this situation was just beyond a tad different, though.


i'm with you on the whole "keeping me entertained" thing, anyway. this is entertaining, lies or not.


it can get aggravating though, sometimes, to spend time on something that was so elaborately created.


i guess i'm inbetween, after all.

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Hell, I've done that. I don't want people being able to track down ALL of my dirt. If it's that serious, I'll post as a guest and ask a question. Then that way I get brutal, yet honest answers.


exactly why I did it that one time...Tiki you would probably remember my guest question lol

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i know nothing about the JA thing except that her "stories' lie or not we're dammed good and well written, although I am completely lost know and would frigging love to be informed!! That story kept me on my toes and I feel every single emotion while reading it fake or not.

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Originally posted by EtErNaLlYCoNfUsEd



exactly why I did it that one time...Tiki you would probably remember my guest question lol



I want to know what it was!!!

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