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Do people come to LS to lie? and how much does it matter?

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I don't lie. The reason I came here was to get help at a difficult time in my life. It would not have done me any good to lie. I tried not to put personal, identifying information out there, but that is the extent of it.


I also don't see the need to lie when giving advice, because I think people are looking for a perspective that comes from another's true life experiences and point of view, and not a "persona". That is, assuming they are not lying about the problem in the first place. :p

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Awww thanks Jessica...uh, I mean EC. Haha, had to lighten the mood here. :laugh: We can't be so serious, we'll die sooner. :(


I'm over the JA/EC thing. Anyone else willing to scratch it off?

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Scratch what off? Never happened to begin with, she's still my little sweetheart.....always will be, we can still disagree and argue, and still love each other.......can't we?

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if 90% of what was posted here was untruths, what would it matter? if the 10% who posted truthfully got the help / support / sympathy they needed, then LS's work is done. it makes no difference to me whatsoever if i respond to the truth or a lie


i love that story about the personas arguing. similar stuff happens on every forum i have visited, its no skin off my nose.

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I feel I can be open here and say things I cannot say in the real world. For the first time on here I accepted my phobia to other people


Naive, I know what you mean...The fact that I have an anxiety disorder and now I am able to talk more openly about it has helped me...If it wasn't for testing the waters online, getting support and understanding from other 'fellow' sufferers then I doubt I would have had the courage to tell people outside my close knit family/friends...I worry too much what others will think of me (part of the disorder, it just does that to ya! sucks!) and even though that expression, "It doesn't matter what people say behind your back" is true, IT DOES matter. I know I can't stop anybody in my life from doing that, or gossiping..But so far I have had nothing but positive feedback, love and support...So that has made me feel better about how to handle things in my life.


I find that it's easier to open up and really speak from the heart when writing...You just think, dig deep and it pours out. I don't get why someone would lie online. What is the point? Noone knows you, so why bother? I know with me and most of my online friends we share everything and anything-no holes barred...I think I'm TOO open and honest for my own good...I take it all in and wear my heart on my sleeve...Maybe someday I'll be hurt by doing this, but I'd rather be hurt because I'm too honest than lying. Plus, I can't lie worth of ****...I'm one of these people that if I don't 'blurt it out' eventually it will just fester in me, wake me up at 3am...Then I HAVE to speak my mind...


EC, Just stay strong. You are who you are, you know what the truth is and that is what counts in the end. You know who you can talk to and trust here so just have some fun and laugh this off. Life is too short...(I watched Tuesday's with Morrie lastnight, it was on TV, so I'm feeling abit more emotional today...What a movie!!! No not read the book yet but I will! Hmm, something to ask for in my stocking stuffer this Xmas!!! LOL!)

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i just wanted to know what people thought about lying on this site, and if it mattered. like i plainly indicated.


thank you to those who answered that question, there was some really good feedback.


i think we can close this post now, since it started going in a direction that was not intended (although was influenced by a recent example)



now, onto a cure for intercostochondritis and a displaced rib or two...any takers before i post on a health site???

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Originally posted by GirlDown

now, onto a cure for intercostochondritis and a displaced rib or two...any takers before i post on a health site???


Yeah, call that doctor of yours - now. ;)

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hahaha, thanks tiki...the thing is this...


it's been going on for years. they know what it is, i've had nerve blocks and crazy amounts of meds. but it always comes back in the cold.


this time it's on the left side.


but i can't call for a prescription painkiller, even though i haven't had one in maybe 2 years (after the nerve block) because the ba$tard receptionists will say "we can't do that unless you see the doctor" even though this is a chronic problem AND even though my doctor would do it if i could talk to her myself (she's done it before)


ack, it sucks living two and half hours away from the person with sole control of your medical history! other wise, i would make an appointment...


maybe i should copy this and post it to health! :rolleyes:

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I've been around various forum boards for quite a while. I've seen people make up stories just for the attention or to show off what they think is their great intellect, or maybe its a sad and unrecognized plea for acceptance. It happens. Sometimes its a troll who manages to hang on for a very long time. I've seen posters argue with themselves too, and in a way I can understand that because sometimes it helps to talk things out with yourself. But to flame yourself, etc. !!!


I was on a board for a few years where one person had three or four different identies. Male and female, and had elaborate lives for each of them. It was a good bit of story-telling for a very long time. We really believed that they were all different because each post was so different - no similarities in vocabulary, writing style, slang, expression, etc. The old man persona sounded like an old man, the teenage girl sounded like a teenage girl, etc.


Eventually -- and I mean it took a good year or more -- discrepancies crept up that people noticed. When asking one persona about a detail, the poster would relate a detail from a different persona. Finally the mods on that board caught on and stopped it. I've thought about that sometimes because my memory is so dang bad that I get confused over my own details and I'm afraid that I'll sound like I'm making something up.


I've posted as a guest a few times when I wanted to ask something, or reply to something, and not be prejudged based on what people know of me as Hokey. That is interesting too because once I got a response that I know I would not have received if "you" knew it was me. ;) It was helpful in that instance. I have left out a lot from my life in some posts and some may consider that omission is itself a lie.


I don't get making up life stories, but then I've never been much into role-playing games. I tried D&D a couple of times, and some other role-play games but I just couldn't get into it.


I guess we all just have to acknowledge that from time to time people will wander through our lives (on and off-line) who will lie for their own amusement.


A story-teller eventually gets found out, or confesses out of guilt or maybe even out of the fact that in spite of his or her manipulation, they found some help and acceptance or awareness of their problem and will seek their own honesty.


It happens.


But I still firmly believe that LS, and boards like this one, do good and are helpful even with the various mental cases and trolls who wander through. Even when we piss each other off, we make ourselves think and find our own mental stimulation (and I don't want to know what other stimulations you shackers have found here! ;) ) and we have formed a community that I am very happy to be part of!

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Originally posted by HokeyReligions

we have formed a community that I am very happy to be part of!


I agree with you 100%

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I don't know if its so much that ppl are lying...I think it's a good way of posing hypotheticals. So, ppl will just say "I cheated last nite" to see how ppl would respond cause maybe they're thinking about it. And then in the next post they'll say they have a bf or whatever. Who knows...I mean it's no accountability...ppl will do anything.




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I think that LS is more of a social club. Most people are here for their own entertainment, whether they admit it or not.


How you could feel "jipped" (:p) "lied" to you is beyond me--from where do you draw an expectation of honesty?

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