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I posted previouly about the guy Ive been seeing for 4 months now, I havent seen him in a month but he calls me all the time. Everyone was saying that he is trying to break it off with me, without hurting my feelings. But my question is if he wasent at the least interested in me or he was trying to break up with me, then why did he call me while he was away for the weekend with his buddies?

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I posted previouly about the guy Ive been

seeing for 4 months now, I havent seen him in a month but he calls me all the time. Everyone was saying that he is trying to break it off with me, without hurting my feelings. But my question is if he wasent at the least interested in me or he was trying to break up with me, then why did he call me while he was away for the weekend with his buddies?

Ithink he wants to break it off with you but he doesnt want to burn old bridges, he'll keep you on the backburner till he finds somebody new.

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The absolute best source of this information is the guy himself. The next time he calls, just say..."Hey, we never go out anymore...I haven't seen you in over a month...but you keep calling me. What's going on here?" Then let him tell you.


Ask and you will be given, knock and the door will be opened, seek and ye shall find.


What an idea!!!

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