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19 year old guy dating 15 year old girl. We love each other but society says "NO!"


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Ok, Im a 19 year old guy currently dating a 15 year old girl. We have been dating for a little under a year now and we are deeply in love and couldnt be happeir with the way things are going. Before we met we both had our opinions on dating. My opinion was u stick with people ur own age because its just wrong dating younger people. And her opinion was that older guys are just looking to get in her pants and arnt looking for a real relationship. Well we had been friends for years and talked occasionally and one day we started talking over the internet as friends and found we had the same interests and we got along great. One thing led to another and we decided we would give dating a try. its been around 10 months now and I can honestly say they have been the best 10 months of my life. We live in Canada and the age of consent is not a problem it is perfectly legal that isnt my problem. we have not had sex yet and my girlfriend is the one wanting to more then me because i feel that she needs to be 100 percent sure she wants to do it before she does. Her mother at first was not ok with it but began to get to know me and is completely ok with it and i come over regularly and visit her mom and her sisters and even take her sisters to the movies for fun time to relieve her mom of some stress. Before we met each other we had failing relationships and now we have been dating, nothing could be better. my problem is my concience. she doesnt look nor act like she is 15 and has been through things in life that even i havnt. these things she has been thorough i believe has made her as mature as she is. she is more mature then half the girls i know my age. but it still bothers me when i think about the age difference. should it bother me considering the way me and my girlfriend are? and is it wrong if we are so happy and at the same level of maturity... and i am mature as well. Im also having a big problem with my friends talking about this behind my back and making fun of the situation. please give me ideas on how i should look past this and what i should do with my friends.

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Who cares what others think bro? Do what ya gotta do and dont let other form your opinion for you. I do think tho that if you love her and she loves you as much as you say you do you wouldnt be asking these questions.

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hehe..the guy I like is from London Ontario too finsfan!! that's pretty funny..and he's 4 years older than me too! only i'm 20 and he's 24...i say **** what others say! you love her? she loves you?? go for it

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I also have a daughter who was 15 when she met her current boyfriend who was 19 at the time.

She is now 17 and he is now 21 and they are still together.

I love the way he treats her and have also met his parents.

He spoils her rotten. I couldnt ask for a better boyfriend for her. He has a lot of good qualites I like about him.

The point is if you really care for this girl and her family really likes you being around her

Then dont let the age difference bother you.

And if you really enjoy being with this girl and she is also good to you dont knock it enjoy your self with her.

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  • 10 months later...


you really care for this girl and you even help out her mother. The age difference thing, DONT worry bout it!!! You know how you feel and so does she its the same thing as a 30 year old dating a 35 year old, see doesnt seem so wrong does it....When I was 14 i went out with a 16 year old...i kno thats not the same but hey, who cares wat "their" saying!!! It's up to you and u'd prolly regret ruining what u've got...Dont blow it!!

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