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How to inspire the loveless that love will come

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Just curious. Am hopeless when friends come to me for advice - I just clam up...


What do I tell a friend who's just said she's never been loved before and is lonely and wishing for love. She is 45 - or so - so I cant imagine what that must be like!


She is on her way to work now. Hoping that you gems could offer me a thought, an inspiration that may help me to inspire her downcast heart today.


Thanks heaps for your help!

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Maybe she should do something for herself. Or maybe she could get hooked up with someone. No one likes to be lonely, and when they think thats what they want, its not really the case. She probably likes telling you things for the company.

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there is someone one for everyone, and many times multiple someones


but she needs to "stay in her own league" to get best results, if you know what I mean

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