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what do i do

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Hi to everyone, im new to the forums but need a bit of advice, ill get straight to it.

I was in a relationship i started seeing someone else, i know this was very wrong but ive since ended my relationship bearing in mind this other guy whos alot older than me dosent want a relationship, pretty much straight away things got very intimate he was always touching me etc, telling me how sexy i was and that i needed more from my life, the sex is amazing he treats me how ive never been treated before.

But now he says he is distancing himself from me because he dosent want me to expect to much the thing is i dont i just would like it to be back the way it was its like he dosent want anything to do with me now like that, i dont know what to do all i can think about is him and how he makes me feel inside.


Is he trying to let me down gently or will he come back when hes ready, im never going to be able to tell him how i truly feel beacuse im sure he would run a mile, im so confused and upset, any advice would be greatly appreciated.


sorry for the long post :)

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There was a god awful film on telly the other day that I sat through with my gf purely because Jennifer Aniston is my guilty-pleasure-crush..and anyway in it theres this line "You will always be the guy who sits in a restaurant and wants what the guy next to him has".


That's this guy. Probably low on self confidence, He wants to boost his own ego by proving to himself he can get any girl her wants whether shes single or nor. He got you. You left your boyfriend for him. Game over. Now he'll move on to his next conquest.

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