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This lady is a prophetess in my book

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But behind the scenes it's a different story.

Are you an initiate to factually know what happens within a Masonic temple and what the initiations involve?

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Are you an initiate to factually know what happens within a Masonic temple and what the initiations involve?


I personally know 3 Freemasons.

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“It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.”


“Make sure you are doing what God wants you to do--then do it with all your strength.”


These are quotes from George Washington, a Freemason.


'Nuf said.


The Pharisees said the same things. Very religious, swell chaps they were. Didn't stop Jesus from saying their father was Satan.

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OK guys... I'll leave you to your discussion, but here's my only point:


Whatever you think from a spiritual point of view, if I ever have a significantly altered personality that develops in a short time like this, please call 911 and I don't care if I'm speaking about God or Satan, go ahead and have security or the paramedics drag me off, and please be sure to get me to a decent hospital with an MRI machine. You can pray over me and be amazed at my spiritual insights later, just be sure to figure out whether I've had an aneurysm or a tumor pressing on something and save my life first, OK?


No prob- according to my faith, both should be done. If I were a doctor, say operating on your aneurysm- "operating" would be prayer. Using God-given talents. There is a belief system with the name "Christian" in front, but they don't believe in doctors, nor life saving intervention...that is not of my faith or Christian faith. Now during operating I might say, Lord please let me do this right...

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The best way to answer your question is to first discuss FMs. The tricky thing about FMs is that they DO believe in "god". In fact before someone is allowed to join, they must profess belief in "a" god. No specification is made as to which god it is. It could be Allah, Jehovah, or even Shiva. The FMs are clearly deists. But as they say, the devil is in the details.


FMs trace their legacy back to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. They claim that their predecessors are the ones who actually built the tower. And if you know anything about it, the tower symbolized the greatness/glory of man rather than God; it was a symbolic opposition to the authority of Jehovah. This is why God destroyed it. In general, FMs to this day are associated with building and architecture which has mathematical symbolism all pertaining, in some way or another, to opposition against the true God.


When the FMs wrote the Decl of Ind you will notice they used generic terms like "creator". This lines up with the generic deism of FMs. They never got specific in public. But behind the scenes it's a different story. It's very much like false religion which professes one thing but in reality is another. They want to seem like they are Christian but they are not--just like the Pharisees told Jesus they believed in the Father but Jesus exposed how their real father was the devil.


George Washington was a FM. This is proveable. Many drafters of the founding documents were as well.


Another point to remember is that there is no such thing as a godly or Christian nation from a governmental standpoint. There are only godly individuals scattered throughout the land, most of whom are not in positions of power (just as Jesus wasn't). The nations of the earth have not yet become our Lord's, as Revelation prophecies they will. They are currently granted to the authority of Satan for the purpose of God to be fulfilled in this age.


So here's the takehome message: when a politician or founding father says "God", it doesn't mean anything. Anyone can use whatever words they want. But by their fruits ye shall know them. It's hard to accept the fact that, while we have a deist heritage, our country was not founded in obedience to the true lord Jesus Christ. I wanted to believe this for a long time but regretfully found it wasn't the case.


So you went through this too, I've avoided this. Having read the Illuminati and other books like it- which most consider conspiracy theories. The History Channel has a very compelling series that explains various symbols that in fact prove what you are saying.


I can't deny that when my Uncle was on his death bed, and he was a FM (all his life), my mother told me to call him and I was led to lead him to Jesus. I didn't know what FM was.


If the History Channel is right, then the US was actually laying the foundation of the New World Order, possibly without knowing it. With some it may have been, with others it was about religious freedom, and include the lack thereof - freedoms of all sorts, thus we have the Constitution-


All of you are giving me gold- understanding. It's so appreciated and wanted to say that...


Tower of Babel in todays day and age- the so-called "intelligence and power" of "man". God says the "foolish" will confound the "wise".


Guess I don't have to tell you there's a lot of research and learning to do, not to mention seeking Gods Face.

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Always remember Satan presents himself as a sheep, not a wolf. The best way to deceive someone is to make people believe you are "Christian" but promote doctrine that is directly opposed to Scripture and the Holy Spirit. I fully expect the antichrist, even, to call himself a "Christian".

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I personally know 3 Freemasons.


So you are NOT an initiate and are NOT privy to the inner workings.


I personally know hundreds of them. I was married to one. I lived with three. My father was one. I won't tell you how/why I am intimate with the mysteries, but suffice to say that - in my opinion - you are clueless on the subject.

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So you are NOT an initiate and are NOT privy to the inner workings.


I personally know hundreds of them. I was married to one. I lived with three. My father was one. I won't tell you how/why I am intimate with the mysteries, but suffice to say that - in my opinion - you are clueless on the subject.


Believe what you want.

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The cornerstone of the Capitol building was laid in 1793 by George Washington and others in a Masonic ceremony:


Freemasons For Dummies: Freemasons And The US Capitol Cornerstone


It was common practice for masons to have a ceremony to start construction of a building. It reflected their commitment to excellence in their craft.


I do not see the conflict between this and the Christian faith - and apparently, neither did George Washington.


Another factoid: In the early days after the Capitol was completed and Congress occupied it, they held church services in it on Sundays, and continued this practice right up until after the Civil War.


Thanks OB:love: this was a fascinating read. This was an amazing collection of people, who's desire IMO was to promote religious freedom. From doing some searching FM's don't believe that Jesus is God- based on what I found. For me Jesus being Lord combined with God and Holy Spirit are defining factors. Like Christianity, they are very tolerant of other faiths, meaning if your belief is something different, they don't murder you because of that.


Now I need to seek the beliefs of the Puritans, the people that first landed here and also the beliefs of the other signers/writers of the Constitution.


I think America became much more defined concerning Christianity later in history?

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Was John the Baptist keeping "order" when, while people were lining up for his baptism ceremony, he said to the Pharisees, "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"


What about when Jesus drove out the money changers with a whip? That wasn't very orderly.


Speaking with passion doesn't equate speaking in disjointed sentences. John the Baptist and Jesus told it how it was, in the right place, the right venue, with complete self-control. The woman in the video randomly began spouting off random statements that had little to do with one another. No...I don't consider her actions to be done "in her right mind".


OK guys... I'll leave you to your discussion, but here's my only point:


Whatever you think from a spiritual point of view, if I ever have a significantly altered personality that develops in a short time like this, please call 911 and I don't care if I'm speaking about God or Satan, go ahead and have security or the paramedics drag me off, and please be sure to get me to a decent hospital with an MRI machine. You can pray over me and be amazed at my spiritual insights later, just be sure to figure out whether I've had an aneurysm or a tumor pressing on something and save my life first, OK?


:laugh: Will do! :laugh:

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Quote from the stenographer:


"For the past 2 and 1/2 weeks, the Holy Spirit has been waking me up in the middle of the night and preparing me (through my reluctance and doubt) to deliver a message in the House Chamber,” Dianne Reidy said in a statement to Fox News. “That is what I did (Wednesday) night.”


Quote from her husband (a pastor):


“My wife is a sweet, level-headed wonderful woman of God,” the former pastor declared to Fox News. “I am proud of her.”


Source: The ?Holy Spirit? made her do it: Stenographer Dianne Reidy offers Godly excuse for bizarre House of Representatives rant - NY Daily News

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What is the difference between a Freemason and a Rosicrucian? Sounds like the start of a joke, but I am serious! I assume they are both types of metaphysicians.

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Speaking with passion doesn't equate speaking in disjointed sentences. John the Baptist and Jesus told it how it was, in the right place, the right venue, with complete self-control. The woman in the video randomly began spouting off random statements that had little to do with one another. No...I don't consider her actions to be done "in her right mind".


Wow, M30 started a thread with two topics that I'm the most passionate about all in one- the Prophetic and Politics...so with that I don't wish to offend you, OB or anyone, I would just like to add a different perspective:D


Consider her position- while yes listening day after day to the mess would drive anyone nuts. I had been sensing (it got really strong during the shutdown) God was going to do something and it seriously didn't go down the way "I" expected...which is typical of God:laugh:


Imagine yourself around the most powerful people in the world (so I've heard) day after day- that is intimidating. She most likely didn't want to do that and I'd say she was hesitant- 2 1/2 weeks of the Holy Spirit waking her up illustrates this.


I've been in this position before (thinking we all have), knowing God wanting me to do something and me hesitating- maybe she didn't want to end up in the belly of a whale:laugh: like Jonah. Because we do have a human element in operation, being hesitant may have caused the brokenness you speak of.


She had worked there for what- eight years? She has friends and co-workers and I'm sure she established a rapport with. She, herself had nothing to gain by this, and in fact everything to lose. To me this is one of those things where we have to make a decision concerning what God/god we serve.


I think about what she was up against- politically speaking (and this is only my opinion based on what I've seen on both sides of the fence- libs/gop), the libs have become extremely intimidating, mostly through verbiage and talking points...even the swing vote in the SC concerning OC caved due to pressure (and that's a mild term) from the left. Most of the GOP will agree with her (unless they are FM's) ....but the left might want her head.


Due to her obedience, I know we will see some changes- just not sure what that will be. One thing that I can say, it will be a quick work.

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Anyone who had to listen to politicians everyday would go crazy.


:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: no lie, eh!


I do think she was in her right mind, possibly the only one there.

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Wow, M30 started a thread with two topics that I'm the most passionate about all in one- the Prophetic and Politics...so with that I don't wish to offend you, OB or anyone, I would just like to add a different perspective:D


You'd have to completely change your personality, and try a heck of a lot harder, to offend me PIH. :D:love:


I've been in this position before (thinking we all have), knowing God wanting me to do something and me hesitating- maybe she didn't want to end up in the belly of a whale:laugh: like Jonah. Because we do have a human element in operation, being hesitant may have caused the brokenness you speak of.


What was her mission/message exactly though? Does anyone have a clear idea of what she was trying to accomplish? I don't. Both first impression, and after examining it more closely, I still come to the same conclusion - it was a rant, an outburst, with no focus.


What was she trying to do?

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I must confess though, secretly (well, not so secretly now) I'm leaning toward what M30 and PIH are saying - that it was significant, some kind of sign. It did rattle me. "We are NOT one nation under God." Just wish I understood the message more clearly... not to mention more clarity into what (if anything) I can do about it. Write my Congressman??

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“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my male servants and FEMALE SERVANTS in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy." (Acts 2:17, 18 ESV)

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Thought you might be interested to know that Nimrod, the one who led the building of Tower of Babel, was a Nephilim. I can't recall which specific variant he was from (Rephaim, Emim, Amorite, etc) but he was a descendent of the Nephilim. I consider this highly significant that FMs claim heritage from him. There is also evidence that FMs have a keen awareness and interest in the subject of ancient giants (ie, Nephilim). There are cases where, for example, giant bones are discovered by a Chinese farmer and quickly a group comes to buy it, referring to themselves generally as a "fraternal order" and saying nothing else.

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You'd have to completely change your personality, and try a heck of a lot harder, to offend me PIH. :D:love:


What was her mission/message exactly though? Does anyone have a clear idea of what she was trying to accomplish? I don't. Both first impression, and after examining it more closely, I still come to the same conclusion - it was a rant, an outburst, with no focus.


What was she trying to do?


OB, you are such a doll! Thank you:love:


I must confess though, secretly (well, not so secretly now) I'm leaning toward what M30 and PIH are saying - that it was significant, some kind of sign. It did rattle me. "We are NOT one nation under God." Just wish I understood the message more clearly... not to mention more clarity into what (if anything) I can do about it. Write my Congressman??


The best thing IMO is to pray- for many reasons.


I'm both elated and unnerved at the same time. The prophetic are basically God's mouthpieces, they have an extreme intimate relationship with the Lord, He confides in them like no other anointing. From what I have seen the Prophetic have conversations and are in communion with Him 24/7 and they are typically intercessors. This isn't to say that those with other anointing's are any "less" per se, it just different. I've seen many try to covet this anointing and it's not something I'd ever advise one to do, based on the suffering that a real Prophet goes through.


They call forth blessing, warnings and judgments. Their words carry power. They speak forth the Word of the Lord to individuals and on corporate levels- also on a national/world level.


I would say this is Gods grace in operation, coupled with a strong/stern warning starting with the leaders of this nation, right down to all of us.


The Lord has been emphasizing lately, "God will not be mocked", she said it twice- that's a big deal when God repeats and particular word/phrase...and what proceeds this is, what a man sows, that shall he also reap.


My personal opinion is that the Spirit of Truth is going to sweep across this land like never before. I think what we are about to see will blow our natural minds.

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Thought you might be interested to know that Nimrod, the one who led the building of Tower of Babel, was a Nephilim. I can't recall which specific variant he was from (Rephaim, Emim, Amorite, etc) but he was a descendent of the Nephilim. I consider this highly significant that FMs claim heritage from him. There is also evidence that FMs have a keen awareness and interest in the subject of ancient giants (ie, Nephilim). There are cases where, for example, giant bones are discovered by a Chinese farmer and quickly a group comes to buy it, referring to themselves generally as a "fraternal order" and saying nothing else.


Yes, very interested and am still putting the pieces together. This would be a crucial piece to a very intriguing puzzle.

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The media coverage of this, as always, fails to look at the validity (or lack of validity) of what she said, and rather discusses the mere cosmetic appearance of how it was delivered. Typical. This is why Jesus only spoke in parables when addressing the public (Matthew 13:34), because while seeing they do not see and while hearing they do not hear (Mark 4:10-13). Most people believe Jesus spoke in parables to make it easier for non-believers to understand certain truths. The opposite is the case. Jesus himself said that he spoke in parables so that those who are blind to the truth would continue to be blind to the truth, while those who know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven would hear the parables and their spirit would recognize the truth and see the meaning (Matthew 13:10-11).

Edited by M30USA
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The media coverage of this, as always, fails to look at the validity (or lack of validity) of what she said, and rather discusses the mere cosmetic appearance of how it was delivered.


What is the media saying about how it was delivered?

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